We come up with a WAAAY better plan

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I thought with that mega reveal Annabeth and Percy would be....very angry. But instead they looked at each other, with a glance that could seem like it means nothing, but in truth held so much more.

Annabeth shook her head and Percy just continued like I hadn't said anything, "We're going to have to watch our backs now. I don't know about you, but I don't need another thing on my criminal records, so maybe we shouldn't be the ones to report this."

"Okay." I replied.

"Is it safe to go back? Chiron looked like he was about to fuckin murder us when we left." I continued.

Percy just looked even more confused and said, "No...Chiron is kind, he would never do that."

I just nodded, and decided to walk over to Blackjack, because it was getting a little awkward, and I could give him donuts.

So I conjured donuts in my hand and held it behind my back as I walked up to him.

He nickered and stomped his foot so I decided to reveal it and give it to him, which made him very happy.

I thought, if I only had 3 days left to live, I wanted to leave everyone a good memory of me. No more anger, that's what she wants me to feel. I would think pleasant thoughts and be kind, because maybe if I do I'll end up in some form of heaven.


I went around to the side of Blackjack and petted his mane, calling out, "Guys let's go now, it's better to just rip the band-aid off."

When I didn't hear a response I looked up, and Annabeth was glaring at me with so much hate in her eyes.

"My cousin just died, and you are acting like nothing just happened?! Lets go, maybe have a donut, oh and make sure to forget about how I'm the reason one of the only people in your family who can completely relate to you, who was finally getting a HAPPY LIFE is dead!!! " she mocked me.

I was shocked. And hurt. I thought I was lightening up the mood, and you know helping. Maybe if I talked to her and showed her reason she would understand, but some part of me knew that she should blame me. I blame myself.

"I'm sorry." I blankly stated.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it."

She walked up to me, dragging Percy, and I backed away, but she just hopped up on Blackjack.

He flew up in the air and they disappeared into the sky, leaving me in the middle of Boston, alone.


I wanted to walk through the gardens, take my mind off things. 

The scent of the flowers was relaxing, and it made me start to think, which is exactly what I didn't want.

I came into an opening with a beautiful fountain, and the sound of trickling water from the spout made me think even more.

I sat down against the fountain and gazed onto a patch of blood-red roses.

Blood covering the floor.

It really was my fault.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I woke up to a setting sun. I forgot I had my watch on, but I was so glad I did, because when I looked at it, it said 5:43.

Damn, I was asleep for around 6 hours!

I abruptly stood up and looked around, almost forgetting what I was doing there, when It all came rushing back to me.

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