I Defend Myself with an IV Needle

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If I wanted to lie, I would've said my time unconscious was pleasant.

But let's be honest, no one would believe me if I said that. So truthfully, I had nightmares.

It was about the alleyway, but not what I thought it would be about from that.

The same thing over and over again. Showing me the knife, kiss, his father's knife, kiss.

"You are worthless and weak," he would say. "It's a good thing no one cares about you. The people who care the most always end up dead."

Images of Tony and Aspen with countless bullets in them flashed across my vision

"Stop." I would say, over and over, but he never stopped.

It was an endless cycle of pain and torture, until something different happened.

His eyes started to glow red and he said, "We are coming for you. And we will not stop until there are no thoughts in your brain, no breath in your lungs. We will not stop until you and everyone you ever touched is dead, you witch."

He raised his knife and brought it down on my forehead, and I screamed.

I bolted upright. Where was I? Okay breathe. Yeah, breathing is good.

I looked around the room I was in. It wasn't a hospital per se, it just had hospital things. Like machines and a swivel chair, but it was cramped. Oh and it had that whole whitewashed, depressed vibe.

I was sitting in a hospital bed, wearing the ugliest hospital gown you've ever seen, and big yellow socks. There was an IV in my wrist, which was annoying, so I pulled it out. I also noticed a heart rate monitor next to me connected to a strap across my chest, which was probably cutting off my circulation or something. I decided that was bad and stood up to take it off.

But as soon as I got up and did that, the machine flatlined.

"Shit" I muttered, kicking and punching the machine so it would stop making that awful noise.

An alarm went off and I heard panicked shouts from behind the door. Wait, I didn't know where I was. And who knows where those Girl Scout Cookie guys took me?

What if they kidnapped me? What if they were about to come running in here with guns to kill me?

I pushed my bed into the door, making it harder for them to get in my room. But I was still defenseless!

Frantically, I looked around for a weapon. Everything inside there was soft and useless. Except for the IV. THE IV! Yes, I could rip the needle out and stab them with it!

Wait, why was I that excited to stab people?

I facepalmed, and realized there was a bandage over my eye. Ugh I had forgotten about my stupid eye.

I ripped the bandage off, and found that I could see perfectly, well except for that annoying line down the middle.

Frustrated, I ran over to the IV machine and broke the needle off.

I could hear them counting down, probably to bang open the door, so I took a wide stance, with the needle in my hand, and braced myself for the worst.

As suspected, they broke down the door, but what was unexpected is that it was Tony in his iron man suit, and a very panicked looking short guy with curly hair and glasses in a lab coat.

"LEANA! OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" Tony yelled at me while walking out of his Iron Man suit. He tried to get over the bed blocking me, but couldn't swing his leg up.

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