A Friend is Made

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As I stared up at the ceiling of Wanda's room and contemplated my life.

Tony was my dad....and no offense or anything... but ew.

Dayum that was a whole ass doozy.

"Sooo...." I tried to start conversation with Wanda, the silence was getting a bit awkward, and honestly I just wanted to talk.

"Strange told me about your whole plan." Wanda said as I sat up, and cursed the sky.

"That two-timing bitch. You think the Master of the Mystic Arts can keep one tiny secret, but noooo." I said facing her and laughing.

"I know right? I told him about my crush on Vis and he's been practically bursting at the seams trying to not tell anyone."

"Well, now I know."

"I've made a decision to trust you. Hopefully that doesn't backfire in some terrible way."

"What can I say." I said, shrugging with my hands and looking around, before laughing again.

She just laughed along with me, "Strange is crazy, but he's kind too. He comes and checks up on me cause my magic is in his area of expertise or something like that. I think it's just fancy talk for I'm here to make sure you haven't gone crazy yet!"

Wanda talked in a kind way that nobody had ever talked before. She was the perfect example of what a friend should be like, and I had officially made it my mission to be as good of a friend as her.

"You're so sweet!" She randomly and excitedly said, then hugged me.

"I forgot you can read minds!" I laughed, and then continued saying with a fake serious face, "Teach me your way."

"How about first we have some fun?"

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, not too many illegal activities, and just plain fun. I had found a true friend in Wanda. 

So after we raided the pantry, and sat on the bed telling our life stories.

After we watched The Outsiders and obsessed about how hot they all were.

After we exchanged numbers.

After we realized that her powers were red, and mine were green, and together we made Christmas.

After we had officially declared each other our best friends.

Wanda asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

"When you leave... Can you take Pietro with you?" She asked me as we were laying down on the floor, in sleeping bags that we had just tie died for all of the Avengers.

 "What?" I asked, confused, and turned my body in a crooked way to face her.

"He doesn't really have anyone here, and he hates being caged up. The spell won't be able to work on me or Vis, since he's a robot, and I'll miss Pietro like hell, but I have Vis here. And you guys are gonna text me all the time, or else I'll find you. I don't believe in gods anyways." she said, facing the ceiling like she was talking to someone who wasn't there.

The thunder rumbled outside with her last statement, so I flipped off the window.

"Yeah, I'll take him. Just make sure he doesn't tell anybody okay? Or I'll fuck him up." I said lightheartedly.

"Fine by me." she said in a suggestive voice that made me want to throw my words in the paper shredder and burn their remains.

"No. No. No. No. And No." I said, saying the same thing in my mind.

No, no, no, no. But he's a little hot? NO. NO. NO. I would- NOOOOO.

"See what you've put in my head?" I asked her a small amount of fake sadness and desperation laced in my voice.

"I've blocked your thoughts out. You're free to imagine whatever you want." She said in a serious voice, then laughed and couldn't stop.

I just rolled my eyes and laid down, not realizing how tired I was until that exact moment.

So with a hot guy on my mind, and a best friend next to me, I drifted off.


i have no excuse :(

but i'm back :)

and even though this chapter is short and terrible, i hope you can forgive me

love y'all 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

p.s. i maybe wrote the beginnings of an outsiders fanfic

or two

theyre both like reeeally depressing but i read a story like that and it was so good so i thought

what the hell

would yall be interested in something like that

one ur dallys sister and the other ur johnnys twin

ill write whatever u want btw

summer has me bored out of my mind and dance and cheer camps arent till august 💀

p.p.s I have the beginngs of an arrow fanfic too

p.p.s.s. i found an extension that you can add onto chrome that allows you to change any word in wattpad to whatever you want when you read

so the y/n stories can really be y/n

just search pov wattpad on the chrome web store and ull find it

goodbye my lovelies 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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