So...Flowers Can Turn Into People Now?

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Whoever said falling was fast, was lying to you.

I had so much time, I remembered a few details I maybe overlooked.

One: I didn't know how to land.

Two: I was running away from the Avengers, what was stopping them from just jumping out the window after me?

Three: I had nowhere to go

I got the consequences of the first one almost immediately.

I landed on my right foot, but it immediately gave away with a sickening snap. Well, wasn't that lovely.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I yelled, while holding my ankle.

Despite being in an immense amount of pain I tried to run to the woods surrounding the compound. And by run, I mean hobble.

My second realization took effect at that exact moment.

"In our defense, we told you not to jump." I hear Nat say.

I turn around to see Tony, Nat, and Captain America standing in a line.

"Leana, we know you are scared, but we can help you with that, just come here." Mr. America said.

"Listen Captain Tightpants, I'm sure you are used to bossing everyone around, what with your righteousness being bigger than your dick. BUT I am not some little bitch you guys can just tell to do stuff. And I'm nowhere near scared of you."

Which obviously was a lie. I was scared shitless. I silently wished I had something to defend myself with, like that dagger.

Then, I felt something heavy in my hand, and looked down to see the dagger I had wished for.

"So, I'm asking you guys nicely to fuck off and leave me alone, because I have a dagger, and I'm not afraid to use it." I said, holding up my dagger so they could see it.

Nat pulled out her gun, but that time it looked a little different. Oh, it was probably a taser gun.

"I could still knock you out, ten seconds, tops." Nat said, which I could tell was true.

Echoing my thoughts, Tony said, "Its true."

Since I had no idea how to use a dagger, and was kind of afraid of it, since it magically appeared in my hand, I did the only logical thing. Turning the dagger onto myself.

"Okay, you're probably right. But if you step forward even an inch, I will not hesitate to bring this dagger down." I said, positioning the blade so it was hovering over my heart.

"Ma'am please, put it down. We just want to ask questions, that's all." Captain man said.

I looked over to Tony, and he was frozen.

"Steve, stop. Lea please, I can help." He said.

Oh, another name drop. I guess Steve is Captain Man.

"You know her?" Nat asked, the question was directed at Tony, but she never took her eyes off me.

Tony sighed and reluctantly said, "Yeah. That's my sister, Leana."

They both did a double take at the word sister, which gave me the perfect opportunity to make a break for it.

Since I knew I could never outrun them by hobbling, I pushed through the searing pain and ran as fast as I could towards the trees.

I heard a, "Hey, stop!", and then rushed footsteps from somewhere behind me as I entered the dense forest.

I ran and ran, until I could barely hear their voices. I looked behind me to make sure, and tripped on my broken ankle and fell on my face.

"Fuck." I mumbled, pushing myself up from the ground so I was sitting, my hurt leg stretched out in front of me.

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