A New Phone, Ride, and Very Scary Group Death Stare

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"I'm gonna be completely honest and say I am really fucking confused." Nico said.

"Yeah, me too bro, me too." I shrugged.

"Sooooo... are you gonna do what the Doctor said?" Nico asked me.

As I contemplated my response, we both heard a faint yell from inside the building.


"Apparently, yes I am."

"Do you want me to go get your stuff?"

I had left all my belongings at camp in my tent with the rush of everything that had happened. I had completely forgot about them. But with my new power, Nico didn't have to go anywhere.

I heard a faint pop and in my hand was my drawstring backpack filled with my meager belongings.

"Being a Demigod is fucking weird." Nico commented.

"Shits whack 'round here." I simply replied, "I kind of want to talk to the kids at camp before I leave, ya know apologize and shit like that before they cant remember me."

"The safest option is to IM them. It reduces your chances of being maimed by a little."

"Okay." Nico started to awkwardly walk away, probably heading back to camp when I said, "Hey, thanks, by the way."

"No problem." He awkwardly said back, "Um, so my techy friend made me a monster free phone. I grabbed an extra for you and put my number in it, just in case you ever need help from a kid who can summon the dead."

He was hiding something. Skirting around the edges of the lie, but not giving out the sum of the truth.

He handed me what looked to be a normal phone made out of bronze. But when I turned it on the loading screen read, "Super-sized McShizzle and Bad Boy Supreme present The Phire Phone"

I showed Nico the screen, to which he chuckled and said, "Techy friend."

"Wait, if Strange is erasing everyone's memories, how would you know who was texting you when or if I did?"

"I maybe ...might've..."

"Spit it out."





I rolled my eyes and asked Nico, "What did you guys talk about?"

"So if something goes awful, like BAD, then if you say certain words in the exact order, then you can undo the spell on that person."

"I can do that over text?"

"Well you got to send a voice recording so they can hear your voice say it."

"Damn okay, what are the words."

"I need you to hear the truth in my words."

"And how the fuck do you expect me to remember this?"

"I don't fucking know, write it in your notebook or something."

"Rude, but okay."

We stood there in silence for a hot second, then I said, "I guess this is goodbye for now."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Please tell me you don't want a hug, because I hope you know it'll be the shittiest one you ever had."

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