A Kid I Just Met Makes a Huge Paper Origami Spider

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As I was setting up my things, three campers came in through the door. Two were girls, who were talking with low voices until they saw me. Once they did, they refused to make eye contact and walked awkwardly to their beds, where they resumed talking.

The other was a boy, who looked a little younger than her, but had twenty times the amount of confidence.

"Welcome to Cabin 11," He said, "You don't poke people in the eyes do you?"

"Not recently." I replied, very confused.

"Okay good. I'm Connor Stoll, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said as he stuck out his arm, probably to shake my hand.

I stood up from my bed and said, "Leana." while shaking his hand.

"Okay, this is kind of awkward, but I made a bet with someone that I could figure out your parent before them, sooo we gotta go do that." He said before pulling me out of the cabin.

The daylight started to retreat as we walked to another cabin, but this one was way smaller than Hermes. And also a little bland if I do say so myself

It was a dull gray, and the only sense of personality was an owl on the front. To be honest, owls freaked me out. They turn their necks like they're possessed and oh my gods their eyes! Every time I saw one I always thought of the hooters owl, and that thing gave me nightmares as a kid.

Connor grabbed my arm and said, "So, I'm technically banned from going in there, but no one has to know, right? I just need you to stand outside and keep watch while I grab something from their library."

"Okay, sure." I said. What could go wrong?

He passed me and went inside, and since I didn't hear any screaming, I assumed that no one else was in there.

I did hear tearing of pages. A lot of them.

After what seemed like forever he came back out, with five thin books in his hand, and said, "Got it. And whatever anyone asks or says later, it wasn't me."

"What did you do?" I asked him, blocking him from getting off of the porch of the cabin.

"Nothing serious."

"Well then you can show me what that nothing serious is."

"How about no."

"How about yes."

"How about you get your ass out of my way."

"How about you tell me what the fuck you did before I kick you so hard in the balls you won't be a man anymore."

He stopped talking and stared me in the eyes for a good long minute, before he gave up and said, "See for yourself." and sidestepped so I could open the door.

Looking at it from a certain perspective, it was pretty.

But as a person who would brutally murder you if you even barely creased a page on my books, it was not. But, they weren't my books, so I didn't really care.

He had torn apart half of their books, to make a giant paper origami spider, that sat in the middle of their cabin. It was a little taller than me, and was surprisingly realistic, so much so anyone who was scared of spiders would be terrified of this.

On topo of that he figure out how to make the lights flicker, so it looked like it was moving forwards.

"That's kind of scary to be honest. And I'm beginning to think you want to die." I said to him, honestly impressed he made that thing so fast.

"That wouldn't be the first time someone said that to me, and I refuse to have it be the last." he replied, walking away with a proud smirk on his face.

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