Is it Common for a Pegasus to Eat a Whole Donut Box?

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I was standing in front of a mountain of bodies.





Everyone from camp.

They were gone.

And I didn't know how I knew, but it was my fault. I could have saved them.

I fell to my knees and started to silently cry, sorrow and grief filling my heart.

"Leana Stark."

I looked up, through teary eyes, and saw a wild red haired woman, dressed in armor, holding a huge sword.

She walked up so she was right in front of me and a voice filled my head, "You do not know who I am, but I know who you are. You are the daughter of a killer. And you will die because of that, but I am saving you for last. You see this?" She said pointing to the pile of bodies, "This will happen, and it will be your fault. They are already piling up. Your siblings have fought valiantly, and, unfortunately, they are collateral damage, because you...You happened after my husband promised he wouldn't. And now, everyone you love will die for that."

Everyone I've ever claimed to have any personal attachment to appeared in front of me.

Their bodies were lifeless and their eyes were sunken in, and they were standing in a huge circle around me.

She appeared in front of me again, but this time spoke.

"Tell your friend to meet her cousin at their uncle's house." She laughed and said, "He'll be waiting for her there, and I'll add an extra surprise just for you."

She winked and my vision went black.

I woke up in a sweat, relieved.

It was just a dream.

I sat up, holding Jello to my chest and slowed my breathing down. I tried to remember something the school counselors taught us in elementary. 5 seconds inhale, hold for 5 more, 5 seconds exhale.

I got out of bed and sighed, I couldn't see a thing. It was still pitch black outside.

I tried to find the light switch Will had turned off earlier, but I couldn't find it.

"Where the fucking hell are you?!" I whisper screamed.

After a while of looking, and failing to find the light switch, I was tired. But I was also too awake to go back to bed, so I thought, Why not take a shower?

I walked over to the miniature bathroom that was connected to my tent and took a nice long shower to clear my head.

Once I was done I scrambled back to my bed and put on my orange shirt they gave me, my black leggings, and put my hair up with a metal clip I found.

It was still dark outside, so I decided I should go on a walk through the trees. You know, for nature therapy and all that shit.

I grabbed my stuff and put it in my backpack, because I didn't trust some of the people there enough to leave them.

I opened the tent door and walked outside, but when I turned around to shut it, I saw something different.

In huge red letters, painted across my tent, were, "Oplatenal Qanape"

I'm pretty sure that was wrong, so I looked a little harder and realized it said, "Collateral Damage"

The paint was dripping down and smelled awfully metallic, so I touched it with my finger and brought it to my lips.

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