Anyone Else Have Daddy Issues?

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All eyes were on me but I didn't care.


I pushed the thought out to him, and I knew he heard it, because he recoiled from looking at me a millisecond later.

As quickly as he appeared, he vanished, leaving me in a room with all of the Avengers.

"What the hell was that?" Tony asked me, but I couldn't think properly.

Loki knew I existed.

My dad knew I existed and where I was.

That means she knew.

I clocked back into reality as soon as I made up my mind. He had answers, and I was gonna find out what they were.

I looked around and all the avengers were looking at me expectantly.

"Well?" Nat asked me.

"Well what?" I asked in fake confusion.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself?" Clint clarified.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Wanda." Steve said, as if it was a command. A command to look in my head.

"Stop." I told her.

"Give me one good reason to."

I tried to come up with one on the spot, but the truth is I didn't have any.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." She concluded.

I could not let her look in my head, so I did the only logical thing, and decided to fight.

I put up a mental wall around my mind and the wispy, red, tendrils emerged from her hands.

"Please stop, I don't wanna do this." I pleaded.

"Do what?" Thor asked me.

"You are no match for all of us, especially Wanda." Vision said, understanding the meaning of my words.

"You see, that's where you're wrong." I said, letting the pulling urge in my stomach release as my emotions flared. As a result, green magic engulfed Wanda, blocking her from making any moves.

I reached my hand out and shoved her to the ground, putting her into a sleep where hopefully she would forget this meeting once she woke up.

The rest of the Avengers gazed at me in horror as I turned to face them.

They started to advance on me, in a scary, poster worthy way.

But I couldn't let them.

I pushed my magic as far as it would go and imagined everyone in this room surrounded in it, but frozen in time.

I opened my eyes, and exactly like I imagined, they were perfectly still, some with the look of horror on their face while others, pure anger.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?" Pietro asked me, his sokovian accent full of hatred.

"I put her to sleep." I simply replied, struggling to hold them all in place.

"What did they do to you?" Tony asked me, looking betrayed.

I didn't know how to respond to that.

They didn't do anything, it.. it was all me.

"Not a damn thing." I replied.

With sadness and despair consuming me, I reached both of my hands out and lowered them to the ground, casting the same spell I used on Wanda moments ago.

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