Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, Never Show Me My Brother Again

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"So what I'm hearing is one of my parents cheated on the other with... a god? You guys are crazy, you know what, I'm crazy." I said as I tried to scoot away, still sitting down because my ankle was hurt, and put as much distance between me and the weird strangers.

But the only problem was, they were telling the truth.

"Probably true." Nico said and shrugged.

"You grew up with two real parents? Lucky." Percy sighed, crossing his arms.

"No, not really."

They all gave me confused looks, expecting me to tell them more, but I didn't want to elaborate, because I didn't know if I could trust these people, if they were even real people at all.

So I started talking to them, trying to convince myself I was dreaming. "How am I supposed to believe you anyways, with everything that's happened in my last conscious twenty four hours, it has to be  a dream, right?"

I looked to them for confirmation about my statement, but Annabeth just asked me, "What has happened in your last conscious twenty four hours?"

"You didn't answer my question. Is this a dream? Wait no it can't be, this would be a nightmare." I said the last part to myself.

Percy sighed and said, "Chiron, can I please?"

Chiron nodded but said, "It's not me you have to ask."

He looked towards Annabeth, to which she shrugged and said, "Be my guest."

Percy closed his eyes and relaxed his face, and I was about to ask what was happening, when water rose up from behind him, and lunged for me, soaking me from head to toe.

"What was that for?!" I yelled. It was already kind of cold outside, and the last thing I needed was to catch a cold.

"Do you still think you're dreaming?" He asked me, but he had a point.

"I need to get you to the infirmary." Will said and then pointed at Nico, "You, my fine sir, are going to rest, and not shadow travel, because, so help me gods, if you die, I will kill you."

"Okay Sunshine!" He said as he ran away, with a smirk on his face.

"I can take you to the infirmary." Chiron said to me, offering me a ride on his back, which definitely weirded me out.

"Nah, I can walk.", I said, pushing myself to my feet. Oh. My ankle. There's no way I could walk on that, but there was also no way I was getting on a centaurs back.

I started to try my best to walk normally, but I only made it 2 steps before I couldn't walk like that anymore. So I decided to hop on my one good foot all the way there.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Will ran up to me and asked.

"Yeah we can help you." Annabeth said from behind me.

Percy just stood there with his arms crossed like he was trying to think about something.

"No, I'm fine." I said and then tripped on an ant pile.

I scrambled away from the pile and Will picked me up by my shoulders.

"You are not walking another step." He said and (against my argument) picked me up bridal style and ran to the infirmary.

The infirmary was this fort-like thing. It had pieces of wood making an archway, and the inside was a rectangle, with a tan cloth ceiling, and at least 20 cots, with 7 of them occupied at that moment.

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