I Get a BBF (Which Is Not To Be Confused With BFF)

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"So what the fuck do we do with her?" a voice from the crowd said.

"ExcUse me?" I replied, trying to meet eyes with the person who said that, but ultimately failed.

"That is a good question. Just not worded correctly." A boy I later learned was named Malcolm Pace said, as he glared at the crowd and then me, "Should we make a new cabin, but then we'd have to make one for all the Norse Gods, or give her to the Romans, but she doesn't really belong there either."

Wait, was I being kicked out?

I looked at Connor for backup, but he looked different. The boy that was all fun and games completely disappeared as soon as he saw who my parent was. Just because I was related to a witchy ass villain doesn't mean I'm fucked up in the head.

If anything, they are.

The only ones who looked like they would consider the idea of helping me were Chiron, Will, Percy, and maybe Annabeth. Nico....well he looked like Nico.

"For the time being we will give her a tent to sleep in, and then reconvene after we all have had a good rest and thought about our actions." Chiron said, "Someone will have to take her to the tents, any volunteers?"

Crickets. I could actually hear the crickets. Was the possibility of someone like me really that scary?

"I'll take her." 

Annabeth walked up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the woods.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked her.

"Somewhere where we can talk." she replied.

She sped up, passing trees and creatures of all kinds. Maybe it was my imagination, but they all looked afraid of me. Like I could end them any time I wanted to, which was insane.

We walked a good 5 minutes before she stopped and looked at me in the eyes, with more worry then I'd ever seen in them before. 

"Where the hell is Magnus?" she asked me.


"Your father is a powerful Norse God. There's no way you could have possibly survived alone, and the only other kids who have Norse parents know Magnus, so statistically, there no way you don't know my cousin. I haven't heard from him, or anyone from his world in over two years. So, where. Is. He?" She scolded me.

I had no idea who this Magnus kid was, but he seemed important to her, so I really felt bad that I didn't have any information on her cousin.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was a demigod, and I never wanted to bring this on you guys." I genuinely said. 

She seemed like my kind of girl. Smart-mouthed, and straight to the point. And under her stare I felt kind of scared. She was really intimidating, but in an attractive way. Like you would always want to be in her presence, but never piss her off.

"Oh, well I have another question then." she said but then stopped, and tried to make eye contact, over and over again, but failed every time.

"Can you stop doing that, you're freaking me out." she chided me.

"Doing what?" I said, confused.

"Your eye keeps glowing, and it's giving off the 'I WILL MURDER YOU' vibe." She said, gesturing to the circle of dead leaves around my feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I decided it probably was from when I moved my power to a corner in the back of my mind, and not releasing it back into my gut. So I released it into my gut.

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