10: Between Us

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"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." - Benjamin Franklin


"This stays between us," Nkanyiso says backing up and leaning on the wall. I slowly shook my head and place my hand on my hip.

Nkosinathi had excused himself and went to fetch the booze. It seems like he did not want to get caught up in the awkwardness.

"Yey, please nje shame. I don't give a flying fuck whether Wandile knows about this or not. We are not in a committed relationship." I said rolling my eyes.

This bitch, Nomfundo, walked towards me, reaching out- trying to place her hand on my shoulder.

"Awume kancane wena. Now you know who I am, you used to look at me like I am a piece of crap on the side of the road."

"Yey wena farm Julia, if you tell Wandile, not only are you putting our lives in danger, you going to stop receiving lousy allowance of yours and this toy boy of yours is going to lose his job."

I was unable to hide the disappointment on my face and Nomfundo snickered. I looked at Nkanyezi with a disgusted expression plastered on my face.

"Both of you sicken me. You, Wandile and Nkanyezi actually deserve each other."

I went back inside the house and found Thandiswa already drowning the alcohol. The people had already started playing 30 seconds and the vibe was on. I pulled Thandiswa 's arm and told her that we're leaving.

"The fun has just begun baby girl, we need to stay. A few more hours please-"

"Hours? We're leaving right now." I said, pulling her arm and heading towards the door.

"Can we please talk tomorrow?" Nkosinathi said, stopping me by the door.

"Look, Nkosinathi, what we had-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll personally come and fetch you at your place." he said. I pushed him out of the way and we headed towards the car. Luckily, the whole situation had caused me to sober up and I had a water bottle inside the glove compartment to help me even more.

I drove to our place, with the radio off. Thandiswa was busy making noise besides me, on a phone call with her boyfriend. It was now 03:12am, and I'm sure as hell that I'm not going to get any sleep.

We arrived at our flat and I helped Thandiswa up the stairs. I also tucked her in and removed her shoes. I then went and took a quick shower. An hour after our arrival, I tried to fall asleep but my mind couldn't shut down. I had a lot of things on my mind, the kiss with Nkosinathi, seeing Nkanyezi and Nomfundo kiss to, Wandile's slap.

I hate to admit it but I'm mad that Nkanyezi and Nomfundo have a thing going on. I was starting to like Nkanyezi, I can't believe that Nomfundo gets to have everything good in her life just by using her beauty.

I decided to binge watch my new favourite mini-series, Yoh! Christmas, because I could not fall asleep. I wish the only problems I had in this world were not knowing which man to bring for Christmas dinner at home like Thando.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch, and was woken up by the smell, of eggs and garlic in the morning. I missed having someone cook for me, we all know how Mam' Tee's cooking was. She was not very gifted when it came to the pots.

Thinking about Mam' Tee made me want to find out about the boys' wellbeing. As much as things did not work out with their father and I, I still care about them.

"Sleeping beautify is finally up" Thandiswa said walking towards the couch, with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Black with two teaspoons of sugar, just how you like it" she said handing it to me.

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