16: Umembeso

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"Ubab'udayise ngami kubafokazane"- Busephi 

"Hayyibo hayyibo. Namanje you guys still haven't peeled the potatoes. These people will be here in three hours and that's the exact amount of time it takes me to make my famous mash potato salad." my dad's sister was throwing around orders while I was preparing to go and take a shower. My make up artist is meant to arrive in the next forty minutes. My dad drove out to go and fetch her because she lives in Durban North and we're all the way in Umhlanga.

The decor team that I checked out arrived at around 5 am in the morning to start setting up. The guest bedroom had a huge pile of blankets which I think were going to be handed out to my in-laws.

"Did you eat my baby?" MaZungu walked in just as I was about to head to the shower.

"No, I'm okay." I said, sighing, as I sat on the bed.

"I can't understand what you're going through my love. Just take this. I put in all your favourite salads" she said handing me a Tupperware. I opened it and it was creamy samp with beef curry and a side of butternut, beetroot

and a greek salad.

"Thank you mama. Where is Aunty's mashed potato salad?" I asked mockingly.

"Mxm. Ay lowo unescefe." she said giving me a kiss on my cheek as she walked out.

I took two spoonfuls of the food and walked out of the room after so I could go shower. The house was very full, distant relatives were here and it really seems like I'm the only one they hid this from.

After taking a quick shower, I found my dress on the side of my bed. I was told that my mother-in-law was the one who had it custom-made from some famous South-African designer. The dress was worn by a mannequin, I'm assuming so it does not crease.

My make-up artist knocked on my door just as I finished lotioning up my body

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My make-up artist knocked on my door just as I finished lotioning up my body. I let her in and we got down to business. One hour later I was already done with my face beat and she was doing the final touch ups on my install.

I heard ululating from the the outside and I instantly knew that the Gumede family had arrived. Wandile said he was going to text me as soon as they depart mos.

As soon as she was done, she wished me good luck as she knew what I was getting myself into. 

My aunt walked in, and she took in my appearance. 

"You look so good lovey. We're just waiting for you upfront so we can go and meet the family in front." she said. 

I stepped out with a plain white dress.which fell just below my knees. One of my in-laws are the ones who are supposed to help me into this dress. 

My dad was waiting for me outside the door. He pulled me into a hug and I tried my best not to cry so I don't ruin my makeup but seeing him break down tore me apart. 

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