chapter 1

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The mission this summer was to have a good time all the time.

A group of teenage kids sat on a balcony drinking beers and messing around a house under construction.

One of the boys climbed up onto the roof and had his heels hanging off the roof. The sun was beginning to set and the salty air hitting the teens as the the tide slowly swims toward the coastline.

Isla sat sipping the can of beer. She took a sip of the beer making a bitter face. JJ looked at her and laughed. Isla didn't like beer but it was the only thing JJ could get his hands on he was the person if you needed beer or a joint. Isla handed her beer to JJ who chugged. He crushed the can and placed it in between him and Isla. He put his arm round her. The pair looked up to see John B on the roof.

"That's what a three-story fall to the deck I give you about a one in three chance of survival" Pope shouted up to John B.

"Should i do it" John B shouted down to Pope. Taking a sip of his beer.

"I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope said. Pretending to shoot him with a power drill. JJ and Isla let out a laugh.

"Oh you'll shoot me" John B asked.

Kiara came outside from exploring the house with an annoyed face.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets and towel warmers" She said looking up to see John B on top of the room.

"Can you please not kill yourself" She asked up to him.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one" JJ shouted up towards John B as he took a drink of there last beer. John B let a smirk out and dropped his beer. It splattering on the balcony. He let out a grown.

" Dumbass" Isla shouted up to him. Her and JJ laughing with each other. His arm still around her.

The group continue to talk and laugh. It was suddenly interrupted by a nervous Pope.

"Hey! Hey uh security is here. Let's wrap this up."

The teens begin to scramble off the balcony. The five of them clatter down the stairs. The group begin making hooting and shouting that echo the empty house. The get out the house dodging the security. Kiara and John B go through a different passage. Leaving the security on Isla, Pope and JJ with the security. The three of them run around a bit more before getting the the fence. JJ helps Isla over the fence.

"There you go shorty" JJ said to Isla. Isla scoffed as she got over the fence she turned around and seen Pope struggling to pull himself over the fence she let out her hand to help him get over. She pulled him over. He almost landed on top of her and he ended standing on her foot. JJ hopped over the fence no bother like it was his hobby. Leaving a security guard jumping trying to grab them.

The three turned around and saw Kiara John B screeching to a halt in a beige VW van called "the twinkie". JJ jumped into the twinkie then Pope. Isla took a big jump landing on top of the pair of them. The all let out a laugh then the looked outside and seen a cop trying to catch up to the van. His face turning a ruby shade of red.

"Look at this guy gunning for a raise" one of them shouted. JJ hanging out the van holding an empty can of beer. John B slows down the van. JJ chucking the can out the van.

"Stop your gonna give him a heart attack." Kiara shouted at the boys. Making them stop. Kiara had away to make the boys do whatever she wanted. Probably cause they all liked her.

"They don't pay you enough" JJ shouted at the cop who stopped running to catch his breath. JJ turned back inside the van. He had his cheeky smile he looked proud of himself.

"You look amused with urself" Isla let out still trying to catch her breath back. JJ just let out a laugh.

The twinkie passed through mansions and estates. All the pouges look at the houses to take it in. They all wished they lived in these houses.

The twinkie passes over a bridge taken them to the cut were the pogues lived. There houses less glamorous and run down.

The cut wasn't nothing fancy but it was home.


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