chapter 15

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The six of them had pulled up to a pawn shop they had melted the gold down not that it looked good. It looked like a blob.

"Hell if a jib melting it down dr frankenstein." JJ said looking at Kie who melted it down with a blowtorch.

"Like you could've done any better." Kie replied.

"I could've done it much better." He bragged. "I took a welding class." He said lying.

"When?" Kie questioned.

"Whoa whoa chill out okay?" John B says pulling them apart.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ says looking at it. "How did i get this job anyway?"

"Cause ur the best at lying." Isla said laughing at him.

JJ walked into the shop first they all followed him.

JJ begun telling some story about the gold. Isla and Sarah were looking at each other laughing.

They lady came back from asking the boss about the gold. "so i uh talked to my boss."

"And?" JJ asked.

"And uh this is what i can do." she places a check on the table.

"Fifty thousand." JJ said unimpressed. "You think i walked in here not knowing the spot price?" he said. "Ma'am i know for a fact this is worth at 140 atleast."

"Well sweetie you're in a pawnshop. This ain't zurich. Do i look swiss to you." The lady replies.

"Ninety or i walk." He was bluffing.

"Seventy. Half price and umm i don't ask questions where you got this."

JJ looks at the group. "I'm gonna need that in large denominations please." JJ said grinning.

"Well here's the snag. I don't have that much denominations not here anyways. I can write you a cashiers check."

"Can no ma'am. I want cold hard cash. That's what the sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what i expect. i'm gonna get it in cold hard." He says

"Well i have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that alright.?" The lady says.

The pouges all nod.


"So they keep money out here?" Pope said suspiciously.

"That's what she said." JJ said. He let out a laugh. "That's what she said.

"Stop." Pope said shutting him down.

"I've never heard of a resurrection drive." Sarah said turing her head to the group.

"Cause you're rich." JJ said.

"You've never heard of it." Isla said to JJ defending Sarah.

"Thank you." Sarah smiled at Isla. They two always liked each other. Isla would sometimes hang out with her when she was Rafe.

"Cops JB." Isla said panicking.

"Cops out here?" Kie asked.

"God are you kidding me man?" JJ snapped.

What do we do?" Sarah asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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