Chapter 6

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the pogues go to the marina the place is in havoc as a dead body had been pulled out from the water. Police buzzed around pushing past the large crowd of people trying to assess the situation.

Bunch of teens are trying to sneak a photo of the body trying to find out who it is.

The pogues approach a kid w a photo.
"who is it ?" John B asked the kid.
The kid said it was scotter grubs and pulls out the phone to show them the photo. Isla gags it made her feel unwell how could someone take a photo of that.

The kid tells them that Scooter had got a grady white and that everyone was looking for it. The pogues look at each other all look rather worried and pope had gone pale.


"We need to have total and complete amnesia" pope said as he was  walking into the deck.

"Actually popes right for once" JJ nodded "See i agree with you sometimes. Deny. Deny. Deny"

"I agree, It'll look really bad if we were at a crime scene let alone stealing form it" Isla gave JJ a look.

"We can't keep that money" Kie stated.

They all begin to argue wether or not to keep the money as it wasn't there's but it'll look bad if they keep it.

"We just gotta act normal" JJ said.

"How do we do that exactly." Pope asked.

Isla looked at all of them then smiled. "Kegger."


The begun to set everything up JJ and pope set up the kegs along the beach, Isla and Kiara brought the cups.

As the beach begun to fill up with people, everyone from cut, JJ and John and favourite the tourist and everyone's least favourite the Kooks had crashed the party this would end well for all of them.. Not.

Everyone was having a good time the pogues stuck to all the tourist and the everyone from the cut. The pogues ignored the Kooks as it would always end up in a fight. Kiara and Isla were talking away from everyone then pope came over and he begun to tease Isla about where rafe was Isla rolled her eyes. Rafe never came to the pogues party's as he thought they were childish and stupid. And him and the boys would always end up fighting and ruining the party. It was for the best.

JJ ran up to sarah cameron the kook princess aka rafes little sister . Kiara hated sarah nobody really knew why, Isla didn't mind her she'd seen her around when she was with rafe. JJ offered her a drink she declined then topper sarah's boyfriend jumped in and started a commotion.

Isla pope and Kiara all made there way over to it to try and dilute the situation but before they could get the chance. Topper slaps the cup out of JJ hands spilling it over John B. John B then shoves topper making him stumble backwards. The pair of them begin to fight pushing shoving and punches begun to get thrown. Then everyone formed a circle cheering and gawking.

Then Topper right hooks John B making him fall backwards into the sea. Topper holds John B head underwater. Everyone was screaming stop.
Seconds go by topper still has john B under. He's not stopping.

Suddenly JJ runs towards and places a gun onto Toppers head. Topper lets go and he puts his hands up in the air sarah is screaming to put the gun down. Topper walks away.

John B finally resurfaces and spits out water. He was okay Isla could finally breathe again knowing he was okay. JJ then begins to shot the gun in the air making everyone run off the beach.
Isla was pissed at JJ for pulling out the gun and breaking the "normal" act. Kiara and Pope begin to give JJ an earful about not being Incognito.

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