chapter 9

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"Oh my god" Isla whispered, She couldn't believe her eyes. She pulled from the crack that it was sat in. She read 'For bird' that was written on the front of it.

She smiled. She recognised the 'r' it was for John B. "Hey JB i think this is for you" she shouted through the wall. Then she passed the envelope through the crack to John B.

"That's not gold" Pope muttered.

JJ helped Isla out the the Crypt.

"This is from my dad." John B announces

A vehicle approaches. "Code red,Code red. square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ shouts

"Go Go" Isla shouts, The teens hide behind the crypt. "Is it the guys who broke into ur house." Isla questions.

"Lights." Pope whisper shouts. John B struggles to put his light out and tries to hide it under his shirt.

JJ sticks his head out. "Do you think it's them?"  JJ asked. "Homies got a gun" JJ announces.

"Let's just run fuck this" Isla whispers as she gets up to run the group not far behind. JJ makes it over the fence first and helps Isla and Kie over the fence then John B not far behind.

Isla and Kie now back in the van. Pope shouts "Guys i'm stuck."

"Pope come on" Isla shouts from the van.

Kie makes her way over to help him out. Kie attempts to help him but she ends up making him rip his shorts. Isla lets out a laugh.


"That bread had mould on it like three days ago" Isla called over to JJ who was making a sandwich in the kitchen.

"I'll pull off the bad parts. Plus, mould is good for you. It's just a natural organism." JJ shrugged shoving the sandwich in his mouth.

They all gathered around the table. John B ripped open the envelope. JJ gagged at his sandwich and then spat it out on to his hand.

"Holy shit." John B mumbled looking at a map.
"wait there's something else" John B said pulling out a tape recorder.

"What is it?" JJ asked looking interested.

"It's a tape recorder dumbass" Kie scoffed and Isla laughed.

John B clicked it and it started to play.

"Dear bird"

"Who's bird?" Isla questioned.

"it's what my dad used to call me" John B answered.
The tape recorder begins to play again.

"I hate to say 'i told you so' but i told you so. And you doubted your old man.
I suspect at this moment you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight but don't kill yourself just yet kid.
i didn't expect to find it either."
"You were probably right to call me out. Wasn't exactly father of the decade. What can i say kid?
i could smell the barn."
" And hopefully were listening to this in our brand new sugar-shack down in costa rica living off passive investment and pulling on permits."

" if not and you do be this for less than optimal reasons well that's what the map is for
There she is the wreck of the merchant"
If something happens to me finish what i started go for the gold kid"
"i love you bird even if i didn't always act like it. I'll see you on the other side."

The recording ended. John B stood up and started to do. 

"How much was it again." JJ asked as they all sat at the dock.

"Four hundred mil." Pope answered. Isla sat next to John B giving him a hug and making sure he was okay.

"Alright, let's talk the split. Now before we say evenly may i remind you that i am the only one who can properly defend us from those groupers who are after us." JJ said as he pulls out the gun. "Protection? Not cheap okay." He continues.

" You haven't even trained." Pope said shaking his head. "You've done zero training" Pope added.

"Youtube bro, that's atleast a five percent bump right there. Any objections?." JJ asked. "Didn't think so."

"What's everyone gonna do with your money?" Isla asked. Isla knew what she was gonna do she was gonna travel the world.

"Pay for college in advance. Also textbooks. Those are expensive." Pope nodded, only he would spend money on going to school.

"You kie?" Isla looked over at kie. "what does a socialist do when she's rich" Isla added.

Kie laughs "Just wanna make a double album. About Obx, The pogues. You know the way catch a fire is about kingston" She smiled" record it at marley studio, peter tosh producing."

"Peter tosh is dead." Pope added.

"Peter fish is dead I know." She pauses. "Sport if peter tosh will die" she raises her beer in the as she speaks.

"I'm gonna get a big ass house on figure 8 and go full kook." JJ announces proudly. " Gonna get a marble statue of myself and then i'm gonna get a koi pond. Put a bunch of fish-"

"i'm never visting" Kie shook her head.

"What about you?" JJ asked her.

"I'm gonna travel the world then come back here and go full Kook." Isla said smiling. "what about you JB." Isla looked over at him he was being quite for once."

"To going full Kook" John said.

"To going full Kook." They all said together laughing. They spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun.

Authors note
look at me two chapters in a day and a new cover and making a TT acc @starkeystarz !!
Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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