Chapter 13

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That night isla couldn't sleep. She was worried about JJ. And when her and Rafe were fighting she could never sleep. Even though he pissed her she still missed him.

She woke up to a door opening. It must've been her Mom she sighed. Her mom must've have been back from a three day bender like usual. She got up to see what state her mum was in.

She looked up to see Rafe. She gave him a look of what are you doing here.

"Hey?" she asked still unsure why he was there.

"I came to see if you were coming to Midsummer with me still?" He said approaching her.

"I don't know i honestly haven't thought about it." she sighed.

"Please come." Rafe said reaching for something in his pocket. "You already have your dress and you were so excited to come with me."

"Well that's before you started fighting my friends." She said.

"Well i got you this." He said pulling out a necklace to match her bracelet. "It goes with your bracelet and dress."

she takes the necklace. "You can't be buying me presents to get my forgiveness."

"I know. I know. But tonight i'll be on my best behaviour. And it'll allow me to try and get your forgiveness." He smiled.

"It's not like i have any other plans." She said. "But don't think i've forgave you."

Rafe walked up to and hugged her then put his hands on her cheek and kissed her.

"I missed you." He said.


Isla went to get ready at Rafes. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful." Rafe smiled. Isla smiled back at him.

"Thank you." she paused. "You're like half forgiven."

"We should get going" Rafe said. "Wait for me after my family walk out."

She nodded. His family had to walk for some reason she wasn't really listening to him when he told her about it.


Isla saw Pope who was serving clams or something. she ran over.

"You look really nice." Pope said as they did their handshake.

"Thank you P." She said. As she curtsied and spun around laughing.

"Are you here with Rafe?" Pope asked.

Isla nodded shyly. "Sorry."

"No no it's no worries i know you love him somehow even though he's the worst." he replied.

"Thanks P i don't think the others would agree." She said.

Pope understood her and always supported her. As long as she was happy.

Everyone turned to clap for the cameron's. Pope scoffed.

"You're gonna be up there one day." Pope said teasingly.

She scoffed. "That's my nightmare." She smiled at Rafe. "Gotta go." She said as she begun to go get rafe. "See you soon." She blew a kiss to Pope.

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