Chapter 3

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Isla woke up to rafe still holding her. She smiled as she heard him lightly snore. She lay in his arms for a while. She could feel his breath brushing her neck. Rafe slowly woke up he moved his arms to her waist and she turned around to face him.

"Morning sleepyhead" she said brushing through his messy bed head.

He grunted "Morning gorgeous" he said rubbing his trying to wake himself up. "Shouldn't you be at school?" he questioned her.

"It's last day of school who goes in and beside it would rather be here with you." she replied. Rafe smiled and he began to get up. He stretched before standing up. He turned back around to face isla who sat up. He put his tshirt on and smiled at Isla he couldn't believe she was his. She was the only one who he could be himself with. He loved her.

Isla mid yawning said "Take a picture it'll last longer." She said snickering. Rafe picked up a pillow from the bed and threw at her. She giggled and picked up the pillow and threw it back at him.

Rafe phone buzzed and he looked at it and his face dropped fast.

"What is it" she said as she notices his face.

"Uh there supposed to be a hurricane today" he replied.

"ugh another one really" she said looking fed up.

Isla got out of her bed and walked up to Rafe and wrapped her arms around him and he put his arms around her. They stood there for a bit just hugging.

He broke away from the hug and placed his hands on her face and "I'm sorry but my dad will want me back home to prepare for the storm" he said looking unhappy. Isla grunted looking sad as he said those words. she didn't want him to leave.

Before Rafe left he helped Isla set up her house for the storm and bought her food. He gave her a final kiss before leaving. Their hearts were heavy.

Isla stood outside her door for a bit. She was lost in her thoughts until she heard someone shout.

"Finally that kook is gone" she snapped back and looked and saw JJ,Pope and John B sitting on John B porch. Isla let out a giggle and walked over to them. She smiled and sat on the couch beside pope.

"don't come near us you might give us the kook disease." John b said in a jokey tone. The boys broke out into laughter like it was the funniest thing ever. Isla rolled her eyes.

"He's not that bad" she replied interrupting the boys laughter.

"He's the worst or the worst kinda kook, he's like their king or smth." JJ laughed and started making gagging sounds. John B and pope making disgusted faces. Isla rolled her eyes again.

"The whole cameron family is like obx royal family." Pope said.

"I don't get how you can like someone like Rafe he's arrogant he's selfish he's rude and he's just so full of himself with its fancy polo shirts and shinny shoes." John B snapped. John B probably hated Isla dating him the most. "Like your kind you generous you put others before you. you respect everyone and love them You guys are the opposite of each other." John B always looks out for Isla. All the pouges do. They treat her like their sister.

"Speaking of Rafes clothes." JJ said letting out a smirk and then a laugh. He ran inside the house u could hear him inside clattering around and his shoes squeaking. He darted back onto the porch holding a pile of clothes. He smiled like a little kid handing it to her. Isla was confused until she saw the clothes. It was hers and Rafes. She glared at all three of them and who were now staring at her with huge grins on their faces. They all jumped on top of her and laughing.

"Rafe is gonna kill you guys i swear." Isla said through her giggles.

"Well yous two shouldn't have left ur clothes unattended" Pope said sniggering.

"Sorry bro" John B said. Tickling Isla. She squealed.

The teens sat on the porch watching the weather get worse and worse. The dark clouds spreading though the sky like a disease. Blocking any bit of sunlight trying to make it through the darkness.

The teens suddenly turned after hearing footsteps approaching and a drunk woman singing. It was Isla's mum. Isla looked embarrassed. She got up to help her mom. She rushed over putting her mom's arm around her shoulder helping her walk to the door of her house. "Can someone help me" She shouted. She could barely hold her mom up. JJ sprinted over and helped her mom into the couch. Isla looked so embarrassed as her mom lay on the couch trying to speak but it was all gibberish.

"I'm so sorry" She said.

"Hey hey it's okay my dad's the same. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We can't help who they are okay?" JJ said reassuring her.

He ran into Isla's bathroom and got a wet towel and placed it onto her mom's head and ran into the fridge and grabbed water. He helped the mom drink it.

"Thank you JJ" Isla said helping JJ.

"It's okay what are friends for" he smiled "I'm used to it my dad's the same way" he looked around the house. "are you ready for the storm tonight ?" Isla nodded.

JJ stayed for an another hour before leaving to stay at John B. He helped put Islas mom to bed before leaving. Isla was grateful for JJ and gave him food before he left.

She was happy people had her back and she had all her friends. She was sat in her room tidying it up before she got into bed and She called Rafe before going to bed. She didn't get much sleep as the weather outside was horrible. The wind hitting the window and the window howling loudly.


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