Chapter 10

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(few years ago)

It was isla's first day at her new job. JJ helped her get it as he already worked there. It was a club. Isla loved the idea of serving rich people. Not. She didn't like to see what she never had.
She had gotten the job to help pay bills as her mom had already spent most of their money on drink.

She was nervous. She spent the first few hours of her shift serving tables and putting on pleasantries. She was exhausted. It was too hot for her to focus.

As the place begun to quiet down she felt relieved. Then a group of boys walked in with all their buttoned up polo shirts. Isla thought "great".

Then she saw him. He was tallest one out of the group. He had a backwards cap. The way all the boys swanned over him she guessed he was the "leader" or something.

She walked over to the table to take their order. When she heard a few of them whistle and all of them laugh. Classy. She continued and acted like i didn't bother her. She looked up to see the leader looking at her smile. She took their orders and went to the back.

Isla approached the with there orders and places each one down. She heard a few of the boys make comments to one another in a hushed tone and then laughing. The tallest one giving them glares then saying. "That's enough guys." he said in an annoyed tone sounding pissed off. All the boys look unhappy and we're now silent.

Isla smiled at the boy who defended her and he smiled back.

She finished serving the tables. With no more comment  made. thank god.

The tallest one made his way over to were isla was standing.

"Hi, can i help you." Isla asked as the boy stood in-front of her.

"Hey i just wanted to apologise for my friends." He says smiling. "There total asses."

"Yeah it's no worries" she says with smile. She thought he was cute.

"I'm rafe by the way." Rafe said.

"I'm Isla." she said back smiling even more now. "it's nice to meet you Rafe."

"Yeah same here." he looked happy. "I've never seen you around before." he continued.

"Yeah i just moved here a few weeks ago and it's my first day here." She replied.

"Oh right." he said smiling. "Well i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me at some point."

"Hmmm" she said. She was happy he asked her out. " sure yeah." She begun scribbling down her number on a napkin to give to him.

she handed him the napkin and smiled.

"Thank you." Rafe said smiling.

The pair talked for a little while longer. Before Rafes friends shouted at him to hurry up. Rafe winked at her before he went back over to his friends.

Author notes
This chapter is short but i just wanted to do background on Rafe and Isla
Every couple chapters i will do like them in the past before season one.
Lots of love xx

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