Chapter 4

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Isla woke up to the sound of John B's rooster croaking she checked her phone and she had no service and no power in her house. She let out a frustrated groan. She looked outside her window and saw birds flying around the flooded surge. She got changed quickly and ran out the the house and grabbed a tennis racket and started hitting the birds away from the mouse's.

She was running around like a headless chicken.
Waving the racket to try and shoo away the birds.

John B called her.

"I'm busy" she called back.

"What are you doing?" he questioned her.

"The burrows filled with water from the surage. The birds are having a field day" She said still swinging the racket around.

JJ emerged from the house. "Birds have to eat two it's the circle of life Isla" JJ called out laughing at her. Isla grunted and continued. John B looked at the mess the storm made to his garden.

"You know what i'm thinking?" John B said. Isla stopped to face the two boys.

"What you thinkin' ?" JJ questioned him.

"I'm thinking that the storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those dr are gonna chase the crabs" John B said smirking.

"Isn't DCS today" Isla called over to the boys as she walked closer.

"Nah theryre not gonna get on a ferry. It's god telling us to fish." John b said lifting up a branch and JJ and Isla both agreed.


The three of them drove on John bs boat and made their way down the pier to pick up pope . They all spoke to the people cleaning up the pier.

"We're gonna be cleaning this up all summer" JJ said looking disappointed.

"That's our worst nightmare" John B replied.

They made there way to popes. Isla and JJ started wooping.

"Well look who we have here" JJ called as they drove up to pope who was hosing down the pier. looking bored he let out a slight smile as the group made there towards him.

"We have a safety meeting" Isla said smiling at pope.

"Attendance mandatory" John b added.

Pope looked at them for a second and said " I can't pops got me on lockdown" he said looking defeated.

"Your dad's a pussy. over" JJ said mimicking a walkie talkie.

"Oh i heard that you little bastard" Heyward who was walking over to his son. Isla smiled and waved at heyward. Heyward always liked Isla

"We need your son and it's island rules day after a hurricane is a free day." JJ smirking and winking at pope.

"Who made that up" Heyward questioning JJ not believing his story.

"Uh pentagon i think" Isla said backing up his story. " We have security clearance."

"Think i'm stupid" Heyward said rasing on of his eyebrows and folding his arms. now getting fed up. John b and isla started signaling to pope to get in the boat.

"Get in the boat" JJ whispered. " Make a run for it." Pope started to edge closer to the boat. Isla started laughing.

"Boy if you get in that boat." Heyward shouted. Pope still getting closer to the boat. Before he took a jump into the boat and landed on top of Isla and JJ knocking them to the ground. The three of them laughed before pope started apologising. "Bring your ass back up here!" Heyward shouted as John B started the boat to drive away.

"I'll do it tomorrow dad" Pope shouted back.

The teens shouted bye to heyward before the left.

"You gonna clean shrimp, clean fish, you'll clean your dirty ass room and i don't like ur friends!" Heyward shouted from a distance. All the pouges were laughing.

They headed down the marsh to pick up kie.

The pouges pulled up to kies. She was standing waiting for all of them holding a cooler. She smiled as the boat stopped.

"Oh top o' the morin' to ya" JJ smiled as kie walked up to the boat he stuck his hand out to help her on the boat. She took his hand.

"morning kie" Isla said giving her a hug.

"Whatca you got some juice boxes?" pope asked in a joking tone.

"You know just some yogurt and carrot sticks."Kie replied. She sat down beside Isla.

"How about my kind of juice box?" JJ asked and let a cheeky grin. Kie nodded and smiled. She opened up the cooler. The group looked amazed as it was filled with 5 beers. The boys started fighting to grab the first one.

They all cheered. Clicking all there beers together.

"Salud" They all shouted.

The group messing around on the boat as they drove out into the marsh. They all sung to the songs, messing around with each other. This is how they hoped to spend there summer but nothing ever goes to plan.

JJ made his way to the front of the boat holding his beer. Everyone knew what he was about to do. He does it basically everytime there on the boat together. "Hey, Pope can you go a little faster." He called out to pope who was now driving the boat.

"Party trick" JJ shouted. He lifted his beer glass up to mouth but far enough away so that he it would fall into his mouth.

"Doesn't work we've tried this like 6000 times." John B shouted out.

Pope speeded up the boat. So that JJ plan could work out. For once the plan worked he managed to get the beer to go in his mouth. Isla cheered and clapped for JJ.

"You're getting beer in my hair" Kie shouted at him.

Pope and John B shouted at him for to stop.

The boat suddenly jilted forward making the group fly forward and making JJ fly off the boat and into the water.

"Jesus pope" Kie shouted as she stood up.

Isla ran towards the front of the boat she called out for JJ. She saw him lying in the marsh groaning she started to laugh.

"You alright mate" John B shouted down to JJ

"I think my heels touched the back for my head" JJ said sounding out of breath. Isla let out another laugh.

"Pope what did you do" JJ calling up to Pope.

"Sandbar the chanel must have changed.

"Hey i saved my beer though." JJ called up sounding pleased with himself.

"Well done JJ proud of u" Isla called down. "Atleast u have ur priorities straight." she looked down. Her face looking confused as she stared into to the water and seeing something in the water it looked like a boat. "Hey guys i think there's a boat down there" She called out sounding concerned.

The teens looked again. To see a large white sunken boat in the dirty water.


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