chapter 8

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Isla woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. She got up slowly grunted then slowly made her way to her front door. She was exhausted. She looked at who was at her door. It was Kie. She smiled and opened the door.

"Hi." she said in a groggy voice then taking a yawn.
"Heyy sorry did i wake you.?" Kie asked before coming inside and sitting on her couch. "I know i didn't tell you i was coming over but i wanted to see you and plus my parents were annoying me." Kie continued.

"Haha it's no worries." She replied back now slowly waking up. She usually took a few minutes to wake up before she was actually able to have a conversation with anyone.She slowly walked to the kitchen. " Have you eaten anything cause i was about to have cereal if you wanted some." Kie shook her head at the offer. Isla made her self a bowl of cereal then sat beside kie on the couch.
"Do you wanna go to the beach and surf or something?"

"Yes i would love too i don't think John B and JJ are home." Kie replied back.

"Oh well it's better just us to anyways." Isla said with a smile. "And we can steal their boards."

Kie laughed.

"Give me a 10 minutes and i'll be ready" she said getting up and leaving her bowl in the sink. "You could steal the boards while i get changed."

Kie nodded and got up and left. Isla got changed quickly and put her hair in two braids. Then went outside and found Kie. The pair made their way to the beach and spent a few hours surfing.

They made their way back to Isla house when they saw JJ Pope and John B were sat on JB porch.


John B and JJ went to lana's house to ask her about the compass.

"And we were right outside like this and all we hear is just "Bam! Bam! Bam!"Knocking paint off the wall, G" JJ was rambling about what had happened being dramatic and putting his soul into the story. Pope and Kie looked invested in it making faces when he was saying things. John B looked done in. Isla was finding the story amusing

JJ begun shaking his head to show the paint coming off. Kie and pope made a disgusted face.
JJ continues with his story.

"So was it the guys that shot at us yesterday?" Isla said questioned them. They nodded

"Anything we can bring to a police report?" pope questioned. He was very serious and wanted answers.

"Burly"  JJ said. Kie and Isla looked at each other confused as JJ continued. Only the boys knew what JJ was talking about.

JJ JB and Pope all started to talk about king pin movies.

"You guys not everything is a kingpin movie." Kie said getting frustrated about how the boys couldn't stay serious.

"Dude! I wasn't taking little mental polaroids the entire time. I was under duress,okay?" JJ said clearly stressing before taking a draw from his vape. Isla stuck her hand out wanting a draw. JJ chucked it at her.

"Why would they want the compass?" Pope asked. "It's a piece of shit. You couldn't pawn it off for five bucks if you wanted to." He looked at John B who looked a bit hurt by the comment.

"The office" JB finally spoke up after being quiet. The group looked around and questioned him.
"My dad's office" John B gets up and makes his way to the office the group following behind him. "I've just kinda.. I just left it as he kept it." He continues starting to unlock it.

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