Chapter 7

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Isla walked back to her house tired from all the sneaking and stress throughout the day. She saw a tall shadow sat on her porch step sitting in the dark. She knew who it was straight away. She smiled. It was Rafe.

She ran over as Rafe stood up and ran into his arms. He stroked her hair then placed his Hands around her waist.
"Hey." Isla let out with a squeal. She was relived to see him everything felt complete with him around. She only wished he would get along with her friends.

"Hey." Rafe let out sounding relieved. "Where you been all day i've tried to reach you?" Rafe questioned her sounding at bit annoyed.

"Sorry me and everyone were out on the boat." Isla said. Interlocking her hand into his then pulling him to the door before unlocking and letting themselves in.

"Well i've been phoning you the past couple days and you haven't responded and isn't the marsh closed cause some guy died or something ?" Rafe said still sounding annoyed.

"Well i have no signal not all of us have back generators and we never realised it closed." Isla said trying to cover for her friends who basically stole from his family and she didn't want to tell him about what they were actually doing.

Rafe rolls his eyes. "i know your lying but since you aren't gonna tell me i'll just leave it."

"Good" Isla said smiling in a jokey way. Rafe pulls her back placing his hand on her face.

"You know i don't like how you spend all your time with the pogues." he said. "I feel like i never get to see you when you're with them."

"Rafe i'm not doing this right now i'm tired" Isla said getting tired of having the same conversation. " It doesn't help that you guys can't even be in the same room as each other with out picking a fight with one another."

"We'll their pogues and it's like not possible for us to get along with each other it's like science." he replied back.

"What?" She said laughing. " Me and you get along so it is possible." she steps back from him.

"Well your you who couldn't like you and plus i don't see you as a pogue." He said. "Like your just Izzie to me you just you."

"ohh so you don't think i'm a pogue and you know if anyone else called me Izzie they would get hit." She giggled as she made her way towards her bedroom. He followed.

Rafe sat on her bed. Isla pulled a large tshirt probably one of rafes he left behind from before. She then takes her bikini off and puts on her Pyjamas shorts on. Then makes her way towards Rafe.

"You staying here tonight." she asked now sitting on him.

he laughs " Wish i could but i've got plans with the boys tomorrow."

She grons "The boys what Topper and Kelece " She said mocking him. She didn't like Topper she thought he was too stuck up and thought he was better than everyone else. And what he did to John B the other night .

Rafe gently shoves her in a jokey way then kisses her. "I only came over for a bit to make sure you're okay and to see ur pretty face." he said placing his hand on her cheek then kissing her again.

Isla squeals " Awww Rafe Cameron having a soft spot and complimenting me who knew." Rafe wasn't really a compliment kinda guy.

He shrugged.

Rafe and Isla then spent a few hours hanging out as who knew when they would see each other again.

The time they might spend with each other may be small but they make sure to make the most of it. Isla wished deep down that he would get along with her friends so she could spend time with them all, but she knew deep down that wouldn't happen as they were all to proud to even try with one another.

Rafe went home at twelve roughly. But before he left he showed Isla his new bike he bought. Isla pretended to care about it but she really couldn't care less as she had no clue if it was a good bike.

Rafe gave Isla a long kiss before he left.

Hii sorry this chapter is short it's super late here and i wanted to try post something today i am working on make a tt acc ill let yous all know when ive made one x
ALSO i was super busy today so that why there's only a short chapter today i will work on more tommow xx

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