Chapter 5

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The pouges look down into the water and stare at the sunken boat. They're all in shock. Isla begun taking off her shorts and jumped in and splashed around with JJ before kie and John B jumped just after they were mucking around in the water. 

"Get your ass in here!" JJ shouted to pope who still hadn't jumped in yet he was weary about going in but he hesitated before jumping off the boat. Kie and Isla whooped as has he jumped clapping and celebrating.

They all dived under the boat and begun swimming towards the sunken boat. The boat was really fancy. They all searched the boat looking underneath the seats the wheel and in the compartments. Isla swan up first she wasn't as good as a swimmer as the rest because she had only just started swimming since she only moved a year before to Outer Banks. She took a breath of fresh air as if it was she'd never taken one before.  Pope then Kie and John B followed not long after. They all looked at each other once they all resurfaced.

"That's a nice boat it must've been expensive" Isla said still grasping for air and pushing her long blonde hair out of her face.

"That's a grady-white a new one of those is like 500 gs easy." JJ said. He knew a lot about boats and cars. He wasn't smart at much else expect them and surfing.

"Yeah i saw it when i surfed the surge" John B claimed looking very proud of himself letting out a smirk. 

"You surfed the surge?" JJ said sounding proud of John B. "That's my boy. Pogue style"

They all made their way back to the boat all deciding what to do now. John B volunteered to go back and search the boat again. They all protested for him saying it was too deep. He still said he would do it.

JJ shoved John B off the edge of the boat. John B had been down there for a while now. The all stood there waiting anxiously for him to resurface. One of them were about to go down to check on him. But they heard coughing and he finally resurfaced.

"Oh my god that took forever." Isla shouted down to him. Looking and sounding relieved that he was okay.

"Any dead bodies. Looting potential?" JJ shouted down to him smirking. Isla tapped his arm not impressed with JJ.

John B held up a Key " I found this motel key." He shouted up. All the pogues looked defeated and unimpressed with what John B risked his life for. A key.

The pogues made there way to the coast guard trying to report the boat but it was no use. They didn't care so they decided to go to the motel.


They drove up to motel it was a run down place weeds growing out rubbish on the ground the grass was dead the paint on the walls was peeling off. They had moldy mattresses on the grass. It was disgusting.

JJ whistled " I thought the Château looked bad"

They pogues murmured about how bad it looked before the boat got to the shore and stopped the boat JJ hoped off and tied the boat to a post. John B jumped off the boat. Then Isla stood up and JJ helped her off and Kie stood up to speak to John B.

"Don't let him and her do anything stupid" Pope called out to John B. Isla and JJ let out a scoff and acted shocked that he would say that they would do anything stupid. Then looked at each other and winked.

"Oh we will" JJ snickered.

"I'm not making promises" John B said to pope smiling. Before he turned back to Kie.

"Uh be careful i mean it" Kie said to John B staring in his eyes. John B chuckled.

"Let's go" Isla called out. The boys followed her.

"Why are all these mattresses out?" John B asked

"After a hurricane they ditch em cause they're moldy." JJ said. He knew some random facts.

They made their way up the stairs and they were walking around to get to the room. JJ was annoying John B with how he liked Kie. Isla was laughing. They got to the room the three of them stopped and looked at each other before JJ stepped towards to the door.

He knocked before saying " Housekeeping" in a high pitched voice. They all laughed. They waited a minute before John B walked towards the door and got the key out his pocket and unlocked.

"Lady's first" He said ushering Isla into the room. They both followed her. They all begun to search the room. They all were messing around and making fun of the stuff they found like the shoes the jacket and the denim slides. John B and JJ were checking the fishing stops. JJ and Isla made their way into the bathroom.

"Did you guys find anything?" John B called from the bedroom.

"A really awesome dopp kit you won't let me steal." JJ called back as he stuffed deodorant into his pocket. Isla looked and him and laughed wondered off and went back to search.

"Yeah cause we're not stealing shit." John said.

They both went back into the bedroom looking around again. They made there way to the safe and John B started punching shit at random. Isla sat on the bed giving up. John B and JJ went back to the maps and John B took the sticky note and begun typing it into the safe.

"Holy shit guys your gonna wanna see this." Isla looked over her face light up. JJ walked over he grabbed something.

"Bam! Bam!" He pretended he was shooting things. "Take a pic of me" He called out. Isla took her phone out and begun taking photos of him and laughing.

"Put that back JJ" John B said frustrated. "You guys really wanna make evidence right now"

They heard a tapping sound coming from the window they looked outside and saw Pope and Kie were throwing pebbles and jumping pointing and mouthing something. John B ran to the other window and saw cops coming. They knocked at the door. They all looked at each other with panic in their eyes.

Isla slowly stood out on the small edge. John B followed and went to the other side of the she. JJ came out last and shut the window behind him and stood up behind Isla making sure to cover her just incase

"I fucking hate heights" Isla whispered.

"Just don't look down" JJ said trying to help her

"No shit, real helpful." Isla whispered

Isla's heart was racing, she was terrified.
John B put his one finger on his lip to tell them to be quiet as the cops begun frantically searching the room.

They all looked over to kie and pope who were telling them to go. JJ started to play around in his pocket and then he pulled out the gun from his pocket and he dropped it and it clattered loudly. The cops looked out the window but the three still managed to stay hidden.

Isla let out a sigh of relief, they were safe

They made their way back to the boat.

"Well that was fun" JJ joked. "Could've warned us sooner"

"We would've expect pope was on the math team." Kie shrugged. Making everyone laugh

"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene. Did you guys  find anything?" Pope questioned them.

"Did we find anything" JJ said holding up a pile of cash and a gun from his pocket. "No i don't think so" he said with a smirk on his face.

They all freaked out.


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