Chapeter 12

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"Guys. We've done it three times. There's nothing there" JJ shouted, The storm only worsened.

It didn't make any sense, They had found the merchant but there wasn't any gold.

"Shut up!" Kie snapped to JJ.

"What? it's true." He shrugged at her.

"The gold could be like buried or something?" Isla said trying to remain optimistic for everyone even if she didn't believe it.

"If it was there it would've been found on the metal detector okay?" John B said "Someone beat us to it."

It wasn't usual for the pogues to disagree. But they were divided.


After the pogues came back from the failed attempt of finding the gold. Isla knew she had to confront Rafe.

She cycled in the rain to Rafes house. She begun frantically Knocking on the door. Before Rose opened the door.

She put on a pleasant smile and Rose invited her in. She waited in Rafes room for him to comeback.

Rafe eventually came inside her room Isla was sat on his bed.

"Oh hey Isla." Rafe said sounding surprised she was there. "What you doing here, I was with Top."

Isla looked at him pissed "Oh were you hitting  up more of my friends with a golf club." she said.

Rafes face dropped. "Look Isla it's not-"

Isla cut him off " Don't even try to lie right now"she said scoffing. "Why would you do that, Popes my friend." She got up from his bed to look him in the eyes. She knew he wouldn't be able to lie to her when she was close to him.

"He's a pogue man." He said trying to justify his actions. "I don't really know."

"Oh wow i guess that makes it okay then." She said sarcastically "You can't hit someone with a golf club cause they have less money than you. Sometimes you forget that i'm a pogue."

"I didn't expect you to find out." he said sheepishly.

"You are unbelievable." she said. "I can't even look at you right now you're becoming a person i don't recognise."

"Izzie." Rafe said desperately.

"No dont Izzie me." She said as she was walking away. "I'm just gonna go I don't want to see you right now." She opened the door and slammed it.

Rafe stood there in shock.

Isla ran down the stairs tears forming as she left. She didn't recognise him anymore. He had became someone she could be with.


Isla had been pretty bummed out by her argument with Rafe so kie decided for her Pope and JJ should go a film together as Isla loved to go there.

"I'm so glad that they're still doing this." Kie smiled as she put her arm around with Isla. "Keep Calm and carry on. Back to OBX life." as they all walked down to the front of the field .

"Ecstatic." Pope said sarcastically.

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest" JJ said but Kie shot him a look and he put his hands up in defence.

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