Chapter 2

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Isla was standing on the beach. The salty waves crashing on her feet harshly. She heard someone approaching her she turned around and let out a soft smile. It was Rafe he was wearing a polo shirt and he gelled his mousy brown her to the side. His light blue eyes lightened up as he got closer to Isla. He picked her up and spinned her around. Isla let out a giggle.

"Put me down rafe" she said still laughing. Rafe placed her down gently. Isla gave him a hug. Rafe let out a big sigh as if he let go everything he was holding in as he hugged her.

They broke away from the hug and Rafe looked gently into her eyes. He put his arm up for her to take his hand. Their fingers interlocking. The pair made their way down the beach walking. Catching each other on their lives.

They sat down on the soft sand. Hands still linked. Isla was looking at the moon reflecting on the sea. The waves splashing into the beach. It was a cool night. A hazey breeze brushing through Isla blonde hair. Isla looked at the sea then Rafe. Rafe let out a laugh he begun taking his top off Isla took of her dress revealing her bikini. The pair begun to run towards the ocean. Isla made it in first. As she was jumping around like a monkey celebrating her win. Rafe grabbed her waist and swung her into the water. Soaking her as she let out a squeal. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down with her. She begun swimming away laugh. Rafe gaining on her. He grabbed her by the ankle. Pulling her towards him they were face to face.

Isla placed her arms over his shoulders. Hanging onto him. They begun to make it out. Isla wrapped onto him. The water was too deep for her to stand. Rafe loved it. He loved that Isla need him she needed him to stay above water. The pair continued to splash around the water playing and laughing. They were acting like kids. They were comfortable with each other. They could be theirselves. They were free. They loved each other in their own way.

"I'll race you to shore" he said to her with a smile on his face. His smile was sickening. But how she loved it.

"Only if i get a head start because ur body is longer than mines so it'll be unfair." she replied.

"What u scared your gonna lose huh." Rafe questioned her. Lifting his eyebrow. "Fine i'll give u a five second head start."

Isla turned around swimming away as fast as her body would let her. Rafe waited a second or two before starting. He quickly caught up to her. He over took her quickly and made it back before she could.

"You got a head start and i still won." He said chuckling to himself he was proud himself. Isla shook her head. The pair looked back at there clothes they were gone.

"FUCK" rafe shouted he was standing only in his boxer. Isla in a bikini. She couldn't help but laugh at the situation. She always laughed at the wrong time. Rafe gave her a look and she stopped. " i'm gonna find who ever took our clothes and i'm gonna kill them." Isla let out another laugh.

"Okay Rafe u do that but my house is only a few minutes away we could walk there and you've got some clothes there." still laughing at him she couldn't take him seriously with him standing in his boxer. She was also looking at his abs. Rafe nodded and he begun to walk. Isla ran to catch up with him. She was still amused by the situation. Rafe looked embarrassed and insecure she'd never seen him like that before.

They both walking along the beach. Rafe put his arm around her shoulder and she was holding his hand. She liked being close to him she felt safe. Rafe knew she felt safe being in his arms so he would always do it so he would be her protector.


They made there way to her house without being seen. Isla opened the door calling out to her mum she got no response she signalled for Rafe to come inside. He followed her straight away. They got to Isla room. It was small she had her bed against the wall and a few bits and pieces around the room. Her wall painted with picture of her and her friends and Rafe. She loved taken Polaroids. She was sentimental.

She begun searching her drawers. She pulled out one of rafe shirts he left behind. Rafe was just admiring her. Isla threw the shirt at him it landed on a face. "SORRY" she shouted to him. she went back to looking through her drawers.

"Where's your mom" Rafe asked her. Isla shrugged. Her mum would often disappear for a few days doing a bender.

"She'll probs be back tomorrow with a big hangover so i'll probably just stay clear of her you know how she can be." Isla responded. Rafe let out a laugh and his face thinking back to her mum. Isla turned around and was holding a pair of Rafes shorts he had left from a year ago.

" I knew i had them somewhere" She smiling handing him them. Rafe quickly slipped them on and the top on. Isla got changed into a pair of lose shorts and a crop top.

"Wanna stay over" she asked him. she wanted him to stay she didn't like being alone. She smiled at him waiting for a response.

"Yeah if ur okay with that"

Isla squealed and they both got into bed. Rafe was playing with her hair and she was looking at him she loved him playing with her hair. Rafe was only gentle to her. He was a version of himself only with Isla. Isla drifted to sleep and he admired her then he fell asleep holding her. He only felt safe with aswell.

Today was a good for them.


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