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"Sirius!" James whisper-shouted, trying his best to get the boy's attention without attracting his mother. James braced himself to call again but then Sirius looked back in surprise. The boy glanced at his family before he side-stepped away, getting 'lost' in the crowd. James found him a moment later. He looked back, his sight falling on the smaller boy who had been next to him, "Who was that boy with you?"

"You mean my brother?" Sirius asked, following his line of sight back to his family. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched his parents say their goodbyes to his little brother, not caring that he had vanished.

"You have a brother?" James asked curiously as he peered through the crowded train station. While he had grown a few inches over the summer, he was still quite short compared to the upper class men. He stood on his toes a bit to see better but it didn't help all that much.

"Of course I do," Sirius practically snorted at the prospect of being an only child. "What self-respecting Black would risk having only one heir to the family fortune? What if I'm a screw up? Or worse."

"Right," the boy muttered in response. He fell to his regular height with a huff. "Let's find a compartment before they're all taken, shall we?" James took off toward the train, pushing through some of the people who didn't seem to want to move. Sirius nodded, before following after the boy. James glanced behind himself as though he were looking for something, "So why didn't you invite your brother to come sit with us?"

Sirius snorted at this, "That's funny. Sometimes I forget that you're actually quite funny, James."

He frowned at this, "Well, I wasn't trying to be funny."

Sirius let out a sigh as they stopped in front of a compartment. "Look, even if I wanted to - which I don't - the second he heard that I was sitting with a Potter he'd run and tattle to our parents. Believe me when I say that neither of us want that."

James raised an eyebrow but conceited the point before the pair entered the compartment. The two stopped when they saw what looked like a lump of clothes by the window. "You would think that they would clean the train up before we got here."

Sirius nodded in agreement before he reached forward, pulling the jacket off and the pair jumped back in surprise when they saw that there was a boy under the jacket. "Who's that?"

James gestured to the luggage that was above them. "Remus Lupin," he informed him, "Think he's a first year?"

"Looks like it," Sirius shrugged as the two took their seats. "How long until Peter shows up?"

James let out a sigh, "Probably not long. It's like he's got the nose of a wolf or something when it comes to finding us."

"Who knows, maybe he's a werewolf," Sirius replied. "He's weird enough that I wouldn't be surprised." James threw a wrapper at the boy and Sirius smacked it away. "Hey! You know I'm right. Besides, I told you we should steer clear of him. Wouldn't want to catch anything, if you know what I'm saying."

"I hardly think that's how that works, you moron," James pointed out.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say."

The boy who was tucked away in the corner made a noise and the two turned to look at him. James frowned, "Remus?"

The boy's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up quickly, "What - what's going on?"

"Sorry," James apologized, "We were looking for a compartment and this one looked empty at first." He stuck his hand out, "James. James Potter."

Remus cautiously took the boy's hand, "Remus Lupin."

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