13 | what can i do, so you feel it too

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Dear James,

There are certain things I wish I could tell you throughout the day. Like how I like the way you smile. Or how I enjoy it when you run your hand through your hair in an attempt to fix the mess atop your head but it makes no difference. And watching you play Quidditch...

You're an artist. You fly around with such delicacy and grace that sometimes I'm convinced that it can't be the same person. You trip over air when walking but when you're on that broom, it's like you were made for it. Or maybe it was made for you.

Anyway, there was no real point to this message other than assuaging my desires to do something stupid like walking up and kissing you in front of everyone.


James smiled down at the letter, a certain shock running through him. He had been confused upon receiving a letter sealed with the House of Black symbol but now he was glad. Never did he think that would have happened. It had been a risk, but a measured risk on Regulus's part. That only made James's heart swell more.

"What are you smiling at?" Peter asked and James was quick to fold the letter back up and tuck it into his robes. The boy raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

"Nothing, just a letter from my mom," he brushed off and Peter didn't believe a word. Before he could question it, Remus and Sirius joined them. James was worried for a moment that Peter would bring it up in front of them but he let it go and he was grateful.

James glanced over at the table across the room and Regulus caught his eye. The Slytherin raised his thumb, brushing it across his nose and James returned the gesture before turning to his friends. Remus was watching him with a curious expression and he half expected to be called out for it.

Remus still hadn't fully believed him after the incident in the infirmary. There was an unspoken question between them but Remus was letting James make the first move. Which he appreciated.

While James and Regulus were by no means in a relationship, they were certainly something. They met up as often as they could without being too suspicious. Mostly in the middle of the night but always in the come and go room. They used the thumb swipe to determine if they could meet up or not. And it worked so far, so long as nobody was paying attention to them.

James practically ran from the Great Hall, the second dinner was finished. He didn't care what his friends thought of his behavior, they could talk about it amongst themselves for all he cared. He just wanted to spend as much time with Regulus as he could while that was still an option.

The second the door opened and Regulus entered, James practically jumped him. He wrapped his arms around the boy's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Regulus was clearly surprised by this but responded swiftly, moving his hand to the small of James's back and kissing the boy. Regulus pulled away with a smile, "Hello to you too, mon amour."

James smiled, "I've missed you."

"You saw me last night."

"Not for long enough."

"You're incredibly needy, Jamie."

"I know," he nodded as they made their way to the couch. "You'll get used to it eventually." They both sat down and James pulled the boy in for a kiss, "I'm not sure how long I can stay tonight. I promised the boys that I'd be back by a reasonable time. Apparently I've been rather absent."

"Hmm, I wonder why," Regulus hummed as pulled James over to him so that James was straddling his waist. James kissed the boy's neck and Regulus leaned his head back. James grabbed the boy's hands and moved them down to his hips but Regulus immediately pulled away causing him to groan in displeasure.

"I won't touch you, Potter," Regulus whispered into his ear. "Not until you beg for me to." James cursed, resting his head against the boy's shoulder. "I want you on your knees and-"

James immediately fell to the boy's feet and Regulus was both surprised and elated at how quickly the boy caved. He expected a little fight. James placed a kiss against the boy's calf, working his way up until he was at level with the waist of his pants. He moved to unbutton them but Regulus grabbed his hand, "I'm still waiting."

James looked up at him, "Reggie, please..."

"Please, what?"

"Please let me see you," he begged. James folded his hands together and rested them on the boy's knees. "Let me touch you. Please, let me touch you."

He grinned at this, "If you insist."

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