11 | i remember you said you were scared

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James was starting to regret his choice of words when he spoke with Regulus a few months ago. And yes, it had been months. It felt like a lifetime ago. Sirius had finally let go of whatever grudge he had against James and things had gone back to normal. Or mostly normal anyway.

Sirius drummed on the table, grabbing James from his thoughts, "So? What's the plan?" They all turned to look at James who would normally have the answer. He returned their expressions with a confused look of his own.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep particularly well last night," James spoke apologetically and Sirius rolled his eyes. "What exactly are we planning?"

"Breaking into the dungeons to join the Slytherin's party, of course," Sirius explained as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I don't see it being too difficult. I think if I sweet talk her, I can get Marlene to let us in."

James raised an eyebrow, his gaze flickering over to Remus for the briefest moment before focusing on Sirius, "You and Marlene are still a thing?"

"On and off," he waved off. "But she owes me a favor and it's about time that I cash in."

"Right, so you do that and if you fail...we can just have Wormtail wait outside with the invisibility cloak and then when the door opens, stick a rock or something in before it closes and we'll be able to get in that way," James suggested.

"Rather boring but it works," Sirius shrugged, "That solves that so on to next matters. Our next prank. The first one was good, but not good enough." James frowned at this. What first prank? "Oh, you missed it, Prongs. We couldn't find you so we went ahead without you. But you can head this one, if you'd like. If you're not too busy that is."

"No, I should be good," James said, "Quidditch practice doesn't start for another week."

"Huzzah," Sirius cheered, dramatically, raising his glass. "To the return of Prongs and the band of Marauders!" The three boys looked at him incredulously but the boy didn't waver. They clinked their glasses against his before they all settled down. "I actually have a few ideas. I think we can pull them off tonight."

"Didn't you say we were sneaking into the Slytherin party tonight?" Peter asked.

Sirius grinned mischievously, "Exactly."

"Alright, here's the plan," Sirius announced from where they stood in the Slytherin common room. Marlene had come through and let them in, though she was reluctant at first. Sirius handed a bag to James, "Prongs, you take these and plant them in each of the Slytherin's dorm rooms. We'll be down here. You should be in the clear but we'll holler if anyone starts going up."

James raised an eyebrow, "That's not much of a plan, Pads."

"You can improvise," Sirius waved off. "Hurry, you only have so much time."

James was starting to regret having agreed to head the prank before he knew Sirius's plan. It wasn't as though he were beneath breaking into Slytherin's room for a prank, it was more so that he was afraid he would run into someone. A very specific someone that he didn't particularly want to encounter especially when his excuse for breaking and entering wasn't exactly a good one.

And as though he thought it into the universe, a voice spoke, "Who's in here?" James stilled, immediately recognizing the voice as the only person he didn't want to see tonight. He immediately entered one of the quarters, hiding behind the curtain. He looked around in panic, trying to think of a way out. "I know someone's in here. The party is supposed to remain downstairs so you need to leave." James held his breath in hopes that he would just give up and leave. He should have known better. "Revelio."

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