1 | oh brother, we'll go deeper than our ink

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"Two weeks?" Sirius shouted in disbelief. James had just broken the news to Sirius that he was the Quidditch Captain. And yes, broken. As in bad news. Because this now meant he had to endure two weeks of training which meant that Sirius would be stuck at him without him. "You're going to leave me here for two weeks? What kind of friend are you?"

James narrowed his eyes on the boy, "You'll have Moony, Pads. I promise you'll live." James continued to pack his bags as Sirius paced the room. Sirius always had a flare for the dramatics. Without fail, he would react to something on such a grand scale that you would want to shout at him to stop talking. "Besides, we have the mirrors. It'll be like you're with me."

"Or - and hear me out on this one - you turn down being Quidditch captain?" he suggested as he fell back on his bed. James rolled his eyes at this. There was no world in which he would give that up, even for Sirius. Sirius knew this, of course, but there was no harm in asking.

"We both know that I would never do that," he countered as he zipped his luggage closed. James turned to look at Sirius, "I've been working towards this since our first year and, while I love you dearly, Sirius, I won't give this up because you have codependency issues."

Sirius sat up on his bed, "You are a cruel, cruel man, Potter." He thrust his hands forward, "You can't claim to love me and then leave me in the dust like this."

James rubbed his temple to ebb the slowly forming migraine. "Sirius, go to your room and get ready for dinner."

He gasped dramatically as he stood up, "You just can't wait to be rid of me, can you?" James grabbed one of his Quidditch gloves and chucked it at the boy's head. Sirius dodged it swiftly, escaping through the door. He peeked his head back in and stuck his tongue out before vanishing down the hall.

James rolled his eyes before he pulled his bags off the bed and placed them on the floor. He sat down on his bed for a moment before falling backwards.

Hogwarts had started a new program with other schools where all of the Quidditch team captains went away to a camp for training and school collaboration. James would rather stay home, if he were honest. Of course he loved Quidditch but he always missed his parents while he was away at school and the more time he could spend with them, the better.

And on top of that, the letter that was supposed to get sent to the Slytherin Quidditch Captain was stuck to his own when the owl arrived. He sent the letter off but contemplated hiding it so the boy wouldn't come. What were the odds that the Slytherin team captain would be Regulus Black, Sirius's now estranged brother. He was keeping this detail a secret from Sirius because he didn't know how the boy would react. It was still a sore subject and he didn't want to be the one to open any still healing wounds.

Sirius had shown up at the start of the summer, about a week after they had left Hogwarts. He wouldn't speak, but they took him in and did their best to help him. It took Sirius three days to speak and awhile after that to explain what had happened. His parents and him had gotten into a huge fight - one that he didn't go into too much detail on - and they kicked him out. He had been sleeping on a bench in the park for a few days before he finally came to the Potter Manor.

James woke up the day he was to leave for camp with a pit in his stomach. He wasn't exactly the type of guy to get nervous but for whatever reason, the thought about going to camp for two weeks was gnawing at him inside and it wasn't a feeling he was particularly fond of.

"James," Euphemia shouted from the outside of his room. James grabbed his pillow, shoving it on his face with a groan. "You need to hurry," she pointed out, her tone gentle and soft rather than irritated, "Or you'll miss the train."

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