4 | oh boy, it's you that i lie with

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Two days later, they were still trapped in the cabin. Apparently there was a hurricane coming and it was deemed too dangerous for them to be outside. So much for a full two weeks of Quidditch practice. This whole trip had turned out to be a waste of time.

"Just come home," Sirius suggested. James laid on his bed, tossing a snitch up in the air and catching it. He missed his friend and was upset that the universe chose to take him away, during their last bit of summer.

"Pads, if they won't even let us leave to get food, I highly doubt we'll be able to leave to go home," James said pointedly. "You'll be fine for another week."

He stuck his tongue out and James rolled his eyes at his behavior. James glanced to the side to find that Regulus was still 'reading' his book. He hadn't turned a page since Sirius called the mirror.

"Hey, have you used my gift yet?" Sirius asked, pulling James's attention back to him.

"No, I haven't exactly had time."

"Why not now?" Sirius inquired and James rolled his eyes. "What? You're not going to be able to practice until the day after next. You may as well!"

"Day drinking is sad, in and of itself," James pointed out. "Day drinking alone is ten times worse."

"No one said you had to get shit faced," Sirius countered, "Besides, invite your neighbors, be the cool captain."

"I'll consider it," he replied and Sirius grinned. "I'll let you go. I'm sure Mum has you busy prepping for school."

"She certainly does," he agreed. "Later, Prongs."

"Later," he said before sliding the mirror back in his bag.

"I draw the line at you inviting people over," Regulus said suddenly and James looked over at the boy in surprise. He had closed his book and was looking at him as he spoke, "I've tolerated the calls and the drinking but I will tell if you even think about inviting those annoying pests here, do you understand me?"

James raised an eyebrow at this, pulling the liquor from the drawer and placing it on top. "Really, you'll tell on me?" he inquired, twisted the lid off. "I'm surprised that you haven't already. You've always been such a rule follower."

"You'd be surprised, Potter," he said as he stood up from the chair he had been seated on. "You don't know as much about me as you seem to think you do."

"Don't I, though?" he countered. "I know enough to know that the idea of taking even a sip of this-" he held up the bottle, "-probably has your insides stirring, huh?"

Regulus narrowed his eyes on the boy, "You're baiting me, I'm not stupid."

"Not baiting," he put his hands up in faux surrender, he slowly started to walk closer to the boy. "Merely stating that you wouldn't know how to have fun if your life depended on it." James raised the bottle to his lips and tilted it back, taking a swig of the liquid. He ignored the burning sensation before holding out the bottle to Regulus, "So?"

"So?" Regulus repeated, watching the Gryffindor curiously.

"Go on, take a sip," he suggested, moving the bottle closer. "Live a little."

"I live plenty."

James snorted at this, "Yeah, if living under mommy and daddy's thumb is living, then sure."

Regulus glared at James, "Shut up."

"Make me," he countered and something flickered in the Slytherin's eyes. James dared to move closer, touching the rim of the bottle to Regulus's lips, "Drink up."

Regulus searched the boy's face for a brief moment and James was starting to regret whatever had compelled him to walk over here and do whatever it was that he was doing. That is until Regulus spoke again, "Make me."

James's lip quirked upward at this, "Well, if you insist." James tilted the bottle upward, placing his other hand on the back of the boy's head to steady him. He slowly removed the bottle, their eyes still locked on each other. James could hear his heavy breathing but merely watched the boy swallow, not flinching at the burning sensation from the drink. "See, not so bad," he said, breaking whatever had tied the two together and releasing him.

He turned away, making his way across the room but Regulus stopped him, grabbing him and pulling him towards himself. James dropped the bottle in surprise, the glass shattering and the liquor going everywhere. Neither of them cared though as they stared at each other.

"You say a word of this to anyone and you will regret it, do you understand me?" Regulus said, his hands wrapped around James's forearms and pulled him closer. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to keep a secret but he was too nervous to break the silence that fell between them.

James' mouth opened and then closed again, his breath caught in his throat as he looked up at the boy. His gray eyes swirled with an emotion that James couldn't decipher and he managed in a whisper, "Whatever you want."

Regulus pulled him closer at this, not hesitating to press his lips against the boy in front of him. James was frozen in shock for a moment but when the shock wore off, he sprung into action, kissing the boy back.

This is certainly not what Sirius had meant when he insisted that James let loose.

James moved his hand to the back of Regulus's head, pushing him closer despite it not seeming possible. He tugged his hair gently and Regulus let out a soft moan that pulled James out of whatever had compelled them to do that. He pulled away slightly but didn't let go. Regulus rested his head against James, "What are we doing?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Regulus admitted, his eyes scanning his face. "But we've already fucked up past the point of return so what the hell, right?" James wasn't sure if it was the liquid courage or some complicated part of his subconscious that encouraged him to speak but he grinned. "What?"

"Oh, nothing," James said as Regulus slowly walked them over to James's bed. The back of James's knees hit the bed and he sat down. "I'm just coming to realize that the Black's are full of surprises."

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