2 | it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender

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James hadn't minded the whole not talking thing at first. It was far easier that way and if Sirius found out, he could tell him they rarely interacted and it was the truth. But that was before he realized that the person you were rooming with was your partner for absolutely everything.

The exercise they were working on happened to be a rather boring one and that probably didn't help. They were tossing a quaffle back and forth on the ground and James could hear the chattering around them from everyone else. Suddenly, the silence between the two was deafening.

The chattering seemed to grow, like someone was walking around with a megaphone so James could hear the others talking. It only fueled his irritation in the moment. A certain flood of emotion that he had to bite his tongue to keep in. Why did Regulus have to be his partner? Why did Regulus have to be here at all?

Then Regulus opened his mouth. He opened his mouth, and said the one thing that would set James off. Okay, maybe not the one thing but it certainly wasn't the time to bring it up. In fact, he had no right to bring it up at all and maybe that's why James had reacted the way he did. Or maybe he had just wanted an excuse to do something he'd wanted to do for years.

"So, how is my brother?" Regulus inquired as he caught the quaffle. James was normally a much more put together guy. He may not have been raised a pureblood supremacist but he was still raised with the other values of being in such a high standing social wise. Until this exact moment.

James threw himself at the boy, sending them both tumbling to the ground. They rolled down the hill together, Regulus attempting to shove the boy off. "Have you lost your mind?" Regulus demanded as they finally came to a stop, he was poised over the boy. He shoved his shoulders toward the ground, he was panting slightly, the fall having knocked the wind out of him, "What's the matter with you?"

"You act as though you don't already know," James spat, pushing the boy off of him and towering over him. His anger was primal, all of the fury he had felt towards the Black's over the past few years rising to the surface. He could kill Regulus if he wanted to and he wouldn't have felt bad about it.

"I'm sure I have some sort of idea but I didn't do anything," Regulus replied, his eyes narrowed on the boy. He shoved his hands up but it didn't do much. James was significantly stronger than the boy and they both knew it. James wasn't even sure as to why he was still doing this, it wouldn't take much to hurt the boy, one punch and he'd be done for.

"That's the problem, isn't it?" James countered. The anger was clear as day on the boys face, Regulus was a bit taken aback. Normally he was more put together than this, he was typically found smiling or goofing off, "You didn't do anything. He's your brother and you did nothing."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Regulus said, his expression morphing into a scowl. If the two had wands, this conversation would have been going very differently. While they were certainly a match for each other, at least it would have leveled the playing field. "Shut your m-"

He wrapped his hands around Regulus's throat, not enough to cut off his breathing all together, but enough to get the message across. Regulus's expression flickered with something that confused James, he leaned closer, whispering in his ear, "You and your whole family, the whole lot of you, deserve the absolute worst of whatever you have coming to you."

Regulus shifted slightly beneath the boy and James stilled at the movement. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when there was a shout from above them. James immediately got off the boy and stood up, dusting off his clothes.

Regulus turned over but stayed on the ground for a moment. James raised an eyebrow at this but didn't have time to question what his problem was when the adults leading this camp approached them. "Have the two of you gone out of your mind?" Frank demanded.

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