14 | how much longer will it take to cure this?

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"Marlene invited us to a Slytherin party tonight," Sirius announced and James tensed at this. Both Remus and Peter seemed hesitant as well and Sirius rolled his eyes, "Come on, it'll be fine."

James frowned, "And you know that, how, exactly?"

"Because we aren't going to prank them," Sirius pointed out. "We're just going to have fun. It's been too long." He turned to look at James, "You've been so busy with Qudditch and studying we hardly see you anymore."

Yes, James had been very busy studying. "Alright, fine," he caved and everyone seemed surprised. "We stay together though. No repeats of last time."

"Deal," Sirius grinned.

James was standing outside the dungeon door, his heart practically in his stomach. "Come on, mate, you have to actually open the door to go in," Sirius pointed out, patting the boy on the back.

"Yeah, no, that would make sense," James said, taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Remus asked him.

"Yes, of course," he nodded quickly, "Let's go in."

Remus looked hesitant, not wanting to push him, "Are you sure?"

"Yep," he replied, popping the 'p'. "Besides, if we don't go now, we'll lose Sirius in there." Peter had followed Sirius in but Remus had stayed behind. James looked at Remus, "I promise, I'm okay."

Remus put his hands up in surrender and the two entered, looking for where Sirius could have gone. James's search didn't last long when his sight landed on the couch across the room. Regulus laid on the couch against a fellow Slytherin. The girl was running her hand through his hair and James's breath caught in his throat.

Regulus caught his eye and something shifted in his expression but he didn't move. "James," Remus spoke up, pulling the boy from his thoughts. He frowned at the boy, "Come on, they're over here."

James let his friend pull him through the common room, his head spinning. Of course he was allowed to do with whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted but he just hadn't actually expected him to. Or more accurately, he hadn't expected to actually see it happening.

And wasn't Regulus gay? Or at least that's what he had thought. Then again, he had never directly asked. Maybe they were just experimenting. But clearly Regulus had experimented before. So maybe James was just another person to Regulus, what did it matter? He knew that was a possibility from the beginning so why did it bother him so much?

"Here," someone spoke and James looked up to find Sirius thrusting a cup towards him. "Drink up, we don't have class tomorrow." James raised his cup and Sirius clinked it with his own, "Santé."

"Cheers," James returned before downing his drink. Sirius raised an eyebrow at this, "I need more."

James left to find more firewhiskey and Sirius turned to Remus, "Should I be worried?"

Remus let out a sigh as they both watched the boy, "I have no idea."

James had managed to get his hands on plenty of firewhiskey. His friends kept their distance but made sure to watch him. Anytime they tried to stay with him, he'd find some reason to leave.

"Prongs, I think it's time for us to head out," Sirius suggested. He was starting to regret suggesting that they do this. Then again, it's normally Sirius who's stumbling around drunk.

"No need to be such a party pooper, Pads," he slurred. "Just one more drink, alright? We can do a shot together!"

"You don't need another shot, you need water," Remus pointed before grabbing the boy's arm. James tugged his arm from the boy's grasp. "Don't be difficult."

"Difficult?" he asked. "I'm never difficult."

"I beg to differ."

"What do we do if he doesn't want to leave?" Peter asked.

"We don't give him a choice, Wormtail," Sirius replied.

"Is everything alright?" Regulus asked and the four boys turned to look at him. James swallowed, sobering up slightly and the Slytherin's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"We were just leaving," Remus said, placing his hand on James's arm and this time the boy didn't fight him. "Let's go, James."

James reluctantly let his friends guide him out. He turned back to the boy they left behind, swiping his thumb against his nose. Regulus's frown deepened but he returned the gesture and James was relieved. He wasn't tired of him yet.

The boys made James drink some water before they went to their separate beds. "He's keeping something from me, isn't he?" Sirius asked.

"He'll tell you when he's ready," Remus said in return and James frowned. Secrets were going to bury them all alive.

Once the coast was clear, James made his way to the Room of Requirement. He entered quietly, closing the door behind him. "James?" Regulus spoke, making his way over from the couch. "For a moment I thought you weren't going to show up."

"I'll always show up," he said in response before grabbing the boy by the shirt and pulling him closer. He pressed his lip against the Slytherin's but Regulus pulled away. James frowned, "What's wrong?"

"You're drunk," he pointed out.

"I've sobered up."

"Not enough."

"Yes, enough," he countered, turning them around so Regulus was up against the wall. "I know what I want."

Regulus shook his head, "It can wait. But not tonight."

"I do have one question," James muttered against his neck, his hand roaming up the boy's thigh. Regulus leaned his head back against the wall, helpless to the boy in front of him, "What does it take for me to make Regulus Black scream?"

"James, you're plastered," Regulus told him, once he pulled himself together. He looked the boy in the eyes, "You were upset because of the girl and I know-"

"You think that's what this is about?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. James rested his hand to the right of his head, looking up at the Slytherin, "Could she make you feel as good as I do?" Regulus opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out. James smirked at this, "Exactly."

"James," Regulus practically whined, "We can just sleep, alright? I won't leave you."

"You want to sleep on the couch?"

"There's a bed."

He grew confused at this, "No, there - oh." He turned to find that there was a bed in the room. He looked back at Regulus, "Whatever you want."

Regulus grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. Once they were settled in the bed, James had his arms rested around Regulus's waist. He muttered against his hip and Regulus asked, "What was that?"

"I love you," he spoke again and Regulus froze. There was silence after that and Regulus didn't have anything to say. James's breathing leveled and Regulus let out a breath. At least he wouldn't remember this in the morning.

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