18 | something wrong in the village

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"You shouldn't be here," someone spoke and he looked up in confusion. James turned around slowly to find that Crabbe and Goyle - two Slytherin's - were walking towards him. The Gryffindor grew uncomfortable, not sure what was happening.

"I'm not looking for any trouble," James spoke honestly. He pulled his books tight against his chest as the two circled him. "I'm just heading to class, so if you don't mind-"

"Not so fast, Potter," Lucius Malfoy spoke up, making his presence known. James froze, a wave of terror washing over him. He glanced behind him but the three had him cornered. This fear was new to him. He used to approach everything without hesitation. The racing heart and feeling of dread was completely new to him. He hated it. "I just want to talk."

"I really can't be late for class," he pointed out. His wand was in his pocket but in order to reach it, he'd have to drop his books. He didn't want to escalate the situation more than it already had escalated. "We can talk later."

"This can't wait," he said, placing a hand on James's shoulder. The Gryffindor looked down at his hand with a frown. He pulled his hand away, "You probably like that, don't you?"

James's face contorted in clear confusion, "I'm sorry?"

"Oh, come on, you seriously thought you'd be able to keep it a secret forever?" he asked which only furthered his confusion. He tsked, "You're smarter than this, Potter."

"I really don't have time for this," James said, shaking his head. "Stop wasting my time." He managed to push past him with a breath of relief but what he said next nearly knocked him off his feet.

"I heard there's an electric shock treatment that can fix you," he began and James froze in his tracks. "I'm happy to be the one to recommend you."

James turned to face him, "Excuse me?"

"We know your secret," he informed him. "Though, it seems rather obvious, in hindsight. Pining after Lily all these years? Showing no interest in any other girl. It all makes sense now."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," he shrugged. "I'll let you go this time." James frowned and he continued, "Shocking, I know. But you trying to figure out how we found out will be a sort of torture that not even Bellatrix could execute. Get out of my face, before I change my mind."

James only wasted a second before he took off sprinting through the hall. He made it to a more open area, his breathing heavy as he looked around. Everyone was already looking at him though and it was what he feared had come true. They knew, they all knew. He wasn't even sure himself and yet everyone knew.

But he had only ever talked about it with Regulus and Sirius.

It felt as though the castle walls were crumbling around him. The world spun in fast circles. Too fast. Any step he tried to take seemed counterproductive and he couldn't breath. Not really. His chest tightened, his ribs far too big to fit. It felt like his bones were breaking, unable to hold him together.

"James!" someone shouted. "James, we've been looking for you everywhere." He squinted slightly and he could just make out the scars on his friend's face. "Hey, can you hear me?" James reached up and he might have grabbed the boy's face but he shook his head, a faint whimper escaping him. "We need to get him to Pomfrey."

"I - I don't-" James shook his head. "How did they - how-"

"We'll figure it out," Remus said. "But right now we focus on you."

James tried to walk but he stumbled again and Remus helped him stand, holding him around the waist. People were muttering comments in their direction and Remus raised his free hand, showing them an unflattering finger.

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