20 | all you have is your fire and the place you need to reach

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"You were correct, I don't like this," Regulus pointed out as they stood in the middle of the field. James had explained as quickly as he could but there was only so much time. "Is this really the only plan?"

"He needs to understand that he can only protect me from so much," James pointed out. "Besides, I've been meaning to piss them off for a while now."

"Does it have to be from so high up?"

James grinned, "You're cute when you're worried about me, Reggie."

Regulus smiled slightly, "You think I'm cute?"

Before he could reply, Madam Hooch approached them and they immediately stood up straight, wiping their faces clean on any positive emotion. "Shake hands," she ordered and they both didn't move. "I don't care what sort of rivalry you two have, you will shake hands."

They both obeyed, placing their hands in the other. Regulus brushed his thumb across the back of James's hand before releasing him. "Good luck, Potter. You're going to need it."

"Yeah, break a leg, Black," he replied simply. Before he knew it, the game was in motion and so was their plan.

Remus sat a few rows back from where the Black's sat, disguised in an unruly amount of Slytherin spirit that he borrowed from Marlene. He watched the game anxiously, his hand gripped tightly over his wand. He absolutely hated this plan.

Sirius sat between his parents, anxiety coursing through his veins as he watched his brother and his best friend practically chase each other in circles. James had the lead on the Snitch as always, but Regulus was close behind. James looked back at him and said something that caused the Slytherin to roll his eyes. James suddenly shot up, taking Crabbe and Goyle by surprise and causing them to fly apart.

Sirius could see his brother tense, watching closely to see how his teammates would react. James looked down, muttering some remark that was probably to egg them on and Regulus seemed to grow nervous.

He looked on as the game continued, his leg bouncing up and down nervously. "Stop that," Walburga ordered and the movement stilled as he muttered an apology.

Regulus caught sight of the Snitch just as James did and they both took off. The Slytherin reached forward, the Snitch just out of his reach when a bludger came flying towards them. Within seconds, the object hit James in the side, sending him off the broom. Regulus's hand fell as he looked down with wide eyes.

"James," he called out, taking off after him. Sirius stood up, trying to get a better look at what was going on. Remus stood up as well, waving his wand as swiftly as he could. James's fall was much slower now and Regulus reached him just in time.

He caught the boy, falling from the broom and landing on his back, James on top of him. Regulus groaned in pain, his hands wrapping around the Gryffindor. "James?" he said, trying to sit up, "Jamie, can you hear me?"

"Yes," he managed, and Regulus let out a breath of relief. He pulled the boy closer and James let him, the former holding him against his chest as they were swarmed by students and teachers alike. Regulus pressed a kiss to his forehead, not caring that everyone was watching. That his parents were watching. "I'm okay," James said after a moment, "But you might break another rib if you don't let go of me a bit."

"Oh, sorry," he said, releasing the boy. The two managed to sit up. "It was a stupid plan."

"Maybe a bit," James admitted. "But I'm fine, aren't I?"

"You're an idiot."

"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK!" Walburga shrieked and Regulus stiffened immediately. James stood up just as quickly as Regulus did, moving to step in front of him.

"James," he tried but he didn't waver.

Her wand was raised as she moved closer, "How dare you embarrass your family like this-"

"Wait!" Sirius shouted, running forward and stepping between them. "Mother, we made a deal."

"Get out of your mother's way," Orion ordered.

"I won't do that."

"Sirius-" Regulus tried, but he turned to look at him before he could continue.

"It's okay," he said simply, "Get James and go to the infirmary with Pomfrey."

"No," James said. "I'm not leaving," he said, though he stumbled slightly, "I'm fine."

"James," Regulus said, grabbing his arms, "You need to go with Pomfrey."

"Get away from my son!" she exclaimed, shooting a spell their way. Remus had arrived just in time, his wand raised, and shield formed.

Regulus wrapped his arms around James in a protective manner, taking a few forced steps back. "My wand, Remus," Regulus requested and Remus tossed it to him. He turned to Pomfrey, "Help him, please."

She nodded quickly, taking the reluctant boy. Regulus turned back to his parents, wand held at the ready, "Let's see if you taught me well, shall we?"

"Regulus, what's the plan here?" Sirius asked, backing up so they were in line with each other, Remus at their side and ready. "Because we may be a rather talented lot but I don't think we can beat decades trained, Dark Arts wizards."

"You have little faith in our abilities, Sirius," he pointed out, tightening his hold on the wand. "Maybe a bit of faith would help us out."

"It's gonna take a lot more than faith," he countered. "It's going to take a bloody miracle."

"Shut up," he requested.

"We've got your back," a voice spoke up and the brothers turned to see Lily and a grinning Marlene beside them.

"I've been meaning to take the Black's down a notch for years now," the blonde pointed out. "And they may be older and more skilled, but there's a certain strength in numbers." Behind the two stood a group of students that Regulus hardly recognized but it was clear that Sirius did. "You owe me big time though."

Sirius grinned before turning to face his parents with a new found confidence. "You ready to try and fight a bunch of kids?"

His mother's wand had dropped slightly and Orion had his hand on her shoulder as he spoke, "Their time will come, I promise."


"Not today," he said, looking around. "Not here." She deflated and the two turned away, quickly engulfed by the crowd.

Sirius turned to Regulus and immediately pulled him into a hug, taking the boy by surprise. "I didn't think you'd ever do anything like this," he informed the boy as he pulled away. "Not in a million years." He turned to look at where Remus had been standing but he was gone.

"Go," Regulus told him, "I have to go talk to James, we can talk later."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"We'll be there later, I'm sure," he said, frowning for a moment. "I'm sorry, Reg, for everything."

"We'll talk later," he repeated. "Now go, he's probably expecting you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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