(Jonathan Levy X Reader) Happy New Years.

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Character: Jonathan Levy X Reader

Fandom: Scenes From A Marriage

Wordcount: 3196

Originally posted: 01/01/2024

Summary: New Years Eve with Jonathan Levy.


You and Jonathan were both pretty great friends. The both of you had been good friends for about four and a half years now. So when he'd come to you a few weeks prior to the New Years, asking if you'd like to spend it with him (because Ava was with Mira for the New Years) of course you said yes.

He asked if it could be just the two of you. Asking for a quiet and nice night inside, not out at some party or at some loud event filled with drunken others. And again of course you said yes. You always sympathized with Jonathan, he was more of an introverted soul, just like yourself.

The both of you two often opted out of social gatherings with shared friends. Of course you both still attended some of them, but for most of the time you two opted for a nice and quiet library catch up session where the two of you would both read together in comfortable silence before going out to a quiet cafe for a coffee while actually doing the catching up part.

It was weird really, well maybe not weird, more or so odd. You'd always liked to spend time alone with him. Maybe it was because unlike others, he'd never judge you no matter what, he would always hear you out and what you had to say with open ears.

But ever since the divorce (which was more or less a year ago now) you'd started to develop a small crush on him, and you'd also known exactly when you started to develop those feelings.

He came to you on the night his divorce was finalized. God he was such a mess, he was so distraught and emotional, so vulnerable and broken. He looked like a sad lost puppy standing on your front porch, the lights on your porch dimly lit up the saddened expression on his face. He didn't even trust anyone else to see him in this state, only you.

You didn't even know what to do so you just hugged him while he let out all of his emotions, holding him in your arms as he cried and cried. That's when you first started to realize your feelings towards him.

The feelings weren't out of pure lust, they were more out of love. You loved him and you always wanted to show him that. You wanted to remind him that he was capable of love and that he was allowed and deserved to feel loved.

But that was all a year ago now. Jonathan had come a long, long way since back then. He finally seemed to be back to his usual introverted although still outgoing self.


It was 10pm and you were seated down on the couch in your living room. The fireplace was roaring and crackling while the TV was playing the New Year's Eve celebration countdown while you were waiting for Jonathan to arrive.

Not too long after (about five-ish minutes) you heard a knock at your front door. You eagerly got up from the couch and sprinted over to your front door, quickly stopping in front of the mirror and making sure that you looked presentable.

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