Valentine's Day With Steven Grant.

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Character: Steven Grant X Reader

Fandom: Moon Knight

Wordcount: 1371

Originally posted: 04/03/2024

Summary: Valentine's Day With Steven Grant.


You're standing in the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink and looking at yourself in the mirror. On the verge of tears as you stare yourself down your reflection and take in your appearance while getting ready for your date with Steven. He'd planned on taking you out to the museum so he could adorably ramble on to you because he knows you love it when he does before taking you out to dinner. "I look so stupid." You mutter out under your breath before looking down at the mess you'd made while trying to get ready. Products scattered all over the counter and various outfits tossed around on the floor.

A few minutes later while you're trying to clean everything back up there's a knock at the door. "Are you in there Love?" Steven's voice calls out from the other side of the door, his voice muffled slightly. "Y-Yeah. Just a minute." You call out, your voice sounding shaky and a little hoarse. "Love, is everything ok in there?" Steven's concerned voice calls back out.

You wipe away the few tears rolling down your cheeks before cursing yourself out in your mind for sounding weak and sad. "Mhm, everything's great." You lie, trying to sound somewhat happy. You sigh a breath of relief as you think Steven walks away. But not even a second later the bathroom door begins to open.

"Love what's wrong? You sounded upset." Steven frowns softly, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him before walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. Resting his chin on top of your head as he looks down at you in the mirror.

"I'm fine Baby. No reason to get worried." You try to reassure him with a small smile, but Steven knows you better than this. "Love- You've been crying, I can see how red your eyes are." He says before placing a gentle kiss onto the side of your cheek. "I just- I feel like I look stupid." You mumble out and look down at your hands resting on the counter." "Love- You look absolutely amazing." Steven says as he spins you around to face him before pulling you into a hug.

You bury your face into Steven's chest. Wrapping your arms tightly around his torso and clinging onto him as you inhale his scent. Steven always smells so sweet, so calming and relaxing. He just smells like him... Like Steven. "I'm sorry." You say, your voice muffled slightly due to your face being buried into Steven's cozy knitted sweater. "Don't be sorry, Love. We all have bad days, don't we? How about I show you just how truly incredible you are to me." Steven says before pulling away slightly from your grip and looking down at you with a big happy grin plastered onto his face.

You wipe away the few stray tears on your cheeks before looking back up at Steven. "D-Do you mean-?" You say, starting to feel your cheeks burn bright red. "Just wanna make you aware of how beautiful you are. I wanna make you forget all about your problems, Love." Steven says and you nod your head softly, giving him your permission to do so.

Steven slips down the sleeves of your dress, brushing them down past the soft skin of your biceps. He lets the dress fall to the ground and lets it bunch up around your feet. Steven runs his hands back up your body, claiming your skin for himself as he slides his hands behind your back. Reaching up to your bra and unclasping it before letting it fall to the floor with your dress.

You let out a small moan. Feeling yourself blush more and more as you watch Steven's hands come back up to your breasts. Each of his hands settle down onto each of your breasts. His fingers brushing over each of your nipples and making you moan again and arch your head backwards.

"Does that feel good Love?" Steven asks with a hint of lust as he flicks each of your nipples with his thumbs. You nod your head as best as you can. "Mhm! So good Baby- It feels soo good." You whine out, squeezing your eyes closed tightly.

Steven pulls his hands away from your breasts. You let out a small cry at the loss of contact but that cry quickly turns into a cry of pleasure when you feel Steven's mouth latch onto your left breast. Steven hungrily laps at the skin, brushing his tongue greedily across your nipple and the skin surrounding it.

You let out a loud moan, grasping onto Steven's shoulders and digging your nails into his clothed flesh. Steven continues to lap at your breast. Swirling his tongue around your sensitive nipple and tugging on it in between his teeth. "Steven- Steven please. It feels so good." You moan out. Reaching one of your hands up and tangling your fingers into Steven's hair, smushing his face up against your breast even more.

Steven happily obliges and continues to suck on your breast. He continues to pay close attention to your nipple. Sucking and flicking it with his tongue and causing you to moan out even louder than before. "M' does it feel good Love?" Steven says before moving over to your other breast. He takes the erect nipple into his mouth, starting to passionately suck on it. His hand reaches up and grasps onto your other breast covered in his saliva, smushing it in his hand and pinching the nipple in his two fingers.

You cry out in pleasure. Nodding your head softly as you start to feel your climax slowly approaching. "Steven please- It feels i-incredible Baby- You take such good care of me." You scream out, grasping tightly and pulling back on Steven's hair, making him whimper softly. The vibrations from his voice on your sensitive nipple sending a shock of pleasure straight down towards your cunt.

"Ohh Steven! Steven please- I'm so close." You moan out, feeling the tight knot in your stomach begin to build up more and more. Steven speeds up on your breasts, speedily flicking his tongue across your right nipple and pinching your left nipple in his fingers. You jerk your hips forward. Grinding down onto Steven's quickly growing erection in his pants and trying to relieve some of the built up lust, moaning softly as you feel yourself just a split second away from climax.

Just as you're about to cum, Steven pulls away from your breasts. Taking his hands off of your body completely and stepping away from your touch as he looks back down at you. You let out a loud whimper, frowning softly as you look back up at Steven with your eyes blown wide with lust. "S-Steven- Why'd you do that? I was just about too-" You say but Steven cuts you off by cupping your cheeks in both his hands and pulling you closer to him, pressing a passionate kiss onto your lips.

After a minute Steven pulls away from the kiss. "I know Love. But I wanted to try something different though." He says in his usual innocent voice. You raise an eyebrow and pout up at him. Steven just chuckles softly and ruffles your hair in his hand before bending down and picking up both your bra and your dress. He pulls them back up over your body, brushing the fabric against your skin. Steven clasps your bra up before pulling your dress all the way up, making sure you look alright before smiling at you lovingly. "Do you feel any better now Love?" Steven asks, brushing his thumb along your shoulder and pulling you into a hug.

You nod your head softly, burying your face into Steven's neck and inhaling his scent. "M' yeah, much better." You say. Steven squeezes you in his arms, resting his chin on top of your forehead. "Good, I hate seeing you doubt yourself when you're so amazing and smart." Steven says before pressing a kiss onto the top of your head. You smile back up at him and kiss him back on the lips. "Thank you baby."



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