(Jonathan Levy X Reader) Can't Sleep. - Part 1

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Character: Jonathan Levy X Reader

Fandom: Scenes From A Marriage

Wordcount: 3476

Originally posted: 19/01/2024

Summary: Jonathan is your dad's best friend. He's staying with your family for some time... What could go wrong?


Another sleepless night... Another night filled with tossing and turning as you just couldn't seem to fall asleep. Your mind racing with different thoughts, all going through your head at 100 miles per hour.

You weren't even sure what time it was now. Late, that's for sure. You continue to move around on your bed, shuffling onto your stomach as you let out a small groan, it being muffled by the pillow. The faint howling wind sound coming from outside of your open bedroom window keeping you accompanied.

You'd had enough now, you shuffle back over and kick the covers off of you before getting out of bed. Deciding to go and get a glass of water or something before trying miserably to go back to sleep. You check the time and see that it's 1:41am. Your feet hit the cold wooden floorboards causing you to shiver slightly. You walk over to your bedroom window, sliding down the window and closing it, locking it shut after before heading over to the door of your bedroom.

You open your door and step out of your bedroom. The cold air hitting your bare legs as you turn on your heels and walk down the hallway. Slowly and quietly as you try to keep down the noise so that you don't wake anyone up. Although you can hear a faint muffled speaking sound coming from inside of the guest bedroom.

Jonathan was inside of that room. He'd been staying with your family for about a week now. While looking for a place to stay permanently, because of the undergoing divorce with Mira. He and your dad were both pretty good friends, best friends even. They were also colleagues and worked together at the local university.

You could see that the light was still on. The bright strip of light peeking through the slight crack under the bottom of the door. You contemplated on knocking on the door, but you could make out that he was still in an active conversation. You walk closer to the door, trying to listen to what he's talking about.

"Ok fine whatever, I don't want to argue about this now, it's late." Jonathan's voice spoke out from inside of the room, his voice slightly muffled by the door. "Ok, bye." He continued before hanging up the phone.

Your hand reaches up slowly to the door. Your knuckles brush against the wooden surface of it as you knock on it a few times, patiently waiting for a reply.

You can hear faint footsteps coming towards the door. The sounds of the creaky floorboards creaking slightly. Jonathan opens the door and looks down at you, his hair slightly disheveled and his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

"Oh hey- Did I wake you?" Jonathan asks, standing in the doorway of the room as he continues to look down at you. You shake your head softly as you look back up into his eyes. "No, I just couldn't sleep." You say with a faint smile on your lips. "Everything ok? I could hear you talking on the phone." You add on.

"Oh ok good. Yeah everything's fine, just Mira trying to pick a fight again." Jonathan says before letting out a small self-deprecating chuckle. "Do you want to talk about it?" You ask as you look up at him with a slightly concerned look on your face. Jonathan just shakes his head, letting out a small groan. "Not really no, I already have a headache from it all, talking more around it would just make it worse."

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