chapter 1 : a wolves pack

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Buttercup sat there her head slightly bobbing to the music blasting in her ear waiting for her class to end she glanced next to her where her counterpart slept soundly his usual big jade green eyes closed his spikey black hair looked like he didn't even bother to do it it— kinda looked better this way to her at least she sighed looking up taking her head phones out as their teacher Mr.Allen approached them she sighed stopping at Butch's desk "butch ". He shook the boy gently but he got no response Mr.Allen sighed an raised a air horn as buttercup covered her sensitive ears ,the horn filled the air as butch jumped covering his ears in displeasure as the other students complained an whined about the noise , the dreadfully horn soon stopped as Mr.allen confirmed butch was awake "butch you know how I feel about sleeping in my class". He put the horn back in his pocket for the next student to fall asleep in his class butch sighed groggily as he rubbed his ear "sorry Mr.allen I was jus up late last night helping my dad I didn't get mutch sleep". Mr.allen and buttercup both shared looksnof disbelief  "that's always what the ruffs say lately they all have been looking like total dog shit yes it's true that alphen (their adopted father ) asks brick and occasionally bandit for help but it's usually the professor who helps with his project's ". Buttercup thought to her self Mr.allen sighed "just don't let it happen again ". He stated and continued teaching they had about 10 minutes left .

Buttercup waited till the teacher left before asking "so you gonna tell me why your really always tired an look like dog shit "? She half joked  "or is this another one of your "secrets you can't tell me ". She said a bit more serious but left the playful tone in her voice . He yawned stretching wide rubbing his eyes tiredly "sorry butterbabe  but it's really because I was helping my dad ". She frowned slightly but left it alone for once not wanting to argue "that's not it an you know it". She thought to herself an mentally sighed dropping the subject this was their last class of the day since next period they didn't have class so they were free to pretty much do whatever she counted down the minutes " annnd 3........2........1". RIIIIIIING  everyone gathered their things buttercup was the first to leave as she walked a bit slower than usual waiting for a certain someone that someone soon stopped next to her as they began walking to the lunch room there was a silence between the two until "sooooooooo". Butch started as she turned to him with a raised brow, "what cha doin after school"? She thought for a minute "not sure I know bubbles kinda wanna do a movie night but before that I'm not sure". He nodded and the silence continued but a comfy one buttercup not being a very big talker when something is in her mind bothering her and that butch knew so the question was what was it?

They continued to walk butch was wondering what was up with her , and buttercup? Was wondering what him an his brothers were hiding she usually wasn't the one to pry but when it came to the ruffs it was different, she cared about them to much she sighed an looked at butch "so how about you"?  He turned to her puzzled "hm"? She rolled her eyes playfully "I mean what are doing after school"? It took a few seconds to register because he was thinking about all the possibilities of what she was thinking "oh nothing much really probably go to the mall an go home to try an sleep". Soon they made it to the cafeteria where there siblings and friends were blossom an brick sat next to each other while bubbles ,bandit, Bliss an blaze sat on blossoms side bunny ,boomer ,bella ,and blake sat on bricks side their friends Robbin ,mike, ella,and mitch were also there the two greens sat with the rest of their friends discussing what they were all gonna do after classs ,soon enough the bell rang signaling it was the end of the school day amd everyone went to get their things or doing extra curriculum activities.

Blossom yawned she had been going through the request log for the school she was student body prez and she was damn good at it she found herself rolling her eyes at some of the request mainly the ones from morebucks which were wanting the toilets made of gold or infused scented air whatever the hell that was then there was regular requests like new sports equipment, more and new fabric for the fashion club , or upgrade certain things in the music club, she sighed she didn't know which one to handle first while staying in the budget "I'll ask brick about what I should do later". She closed the book  "ask me  what"? She looked up an thought "speak of the devil " she put the book away an started organizing a little "oh jus the request book every club needs so much and princess is getting relentless about her obnoxious requests do you think maybe you could handle that ya'know since you two—". He cut her off putting his hand up "don't remind me , but y'all ill talk to her as for the request book jus do a little bit of each thing at a time an then pick one club to do the larger things on an just talk to the leaders". He suggested an she smiled "an that's why your my vice president, I don't know why I didn't think about that! Maybe I'm jus —". Once again he cut her off "stressed "? She looked at him an blushed "how does he do that". She thought to herself but nodded at his remark he grabbed her hands gently as blossom looked up her face heated up a bit "c'mon we will finish tomorrow we're going out tonight". He dragged her out the room ass she stammered a bit "b-but the girls an I are having a movie night"! He looked at his watch "bloss it's only 3:30 we have more than enough time plus your sister's practice doesn't end till 4:30 AND it's a Friday you literally have all night ". He stated in a calm tone as he locked the council room an pulled her down the hallway with a small satisfied smile as the pink puff turned well blossom covered her face as she looked at their  hands as they were intertwined "brick what is wrong with me".

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