Chapter 28 : Wolves at Bay

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Saturday morning. It was 5:30 am and Butch couldn't believe he was up so early. Boomer had dragged the remaining Ruffs (Blaze and Butch) into his plot. Now the five Ruffs  and their dad were creeping through the forest as Boomer led the way.

Butch thought back to last night, when Boomer first introduced his plan and was met with violent protesting.


"Just what the hell we're you thinking going back there?! What if you would have been spotted or worse shot?! Then what!? There dad yelled as boomer flinched

"Dad will you just listen—we need to go back for more pages. We have the ability to prove that Damon was innocent!" Boomer pleaded.

. "No! You could be killed, If Danes were even to see you on his land—"

"Damon's land," Boomer corrected sharply.

Alphen rolled his eyes. "Oh, yes, like that changes anything!" he yelled. "Will you get it through your thick, stupid skulls that this plan will never work out!"

"It can work! We just go in, grab the sheets, and then we're out. Danes doesn't know about Damon's study. He'll never catch us!"

A slam sounded as alphen stood up and smashed his hands down on the kitchen table. "Boomer Jojo, you are really pushing it kid

"wernt the two of you basicly brothers?! so what when they find him; because they will eventually find him were just suppose to let them kill him? or if he shows up at our doorstep we turn him away? is that what were gonna do dad?"

Alphen eyes slightly twitched as he sighed an his head hung low

"Did you forget"—he gestured at the kitchen door—"about Brick?"

Brick was standing behind the door, watching with wide, shocked eyes

Boomer calmed down and coughed as their dad talked to brick and reassured him as brick nodded going back to his room alphen crossed his arms and sighed again liting a ciggarate.

."So? Can we go?"

Alphen sighed taking his glasses off "you kids are gonna be the death of me.......fine".

Boomer stood up straighter sighing in relif

"Under one condition....I'm coming with".

End Flashback

After that, Bandit and Blair had dragged Blaze and Butch into the plot respectively. So there they were; creeping along in tall grass as men swarmed the area. These men were Danes' henchmen, and were carrying guns. Most of the weapons were the kind that shot tranquilizers, but even then none of the Ruffs wanted to get shot by them. According to Boomer, the guards had practically doubled since he'd been there.

"Probably because Danes sensed you, you idiot," hissed Butch.

Boomer rolled his eyes as he ignored his brother. "Just hide yourself well and they won't be able to sniff you out," he responded lowly.

"They've never been very good guards anyway. Why would they start now?" added Blair

Bandit motioned for his brothers to be quiet as he parted the tall grass in front of him. "Look," he whispered. He pointed at the familiar cabin that lurked nearby.

"Let's go for it." Butch

Blaze let out an animal-like snarl, almost in agreement. As sweet as he was, he had never liked Danes or his men.

"No. Guys, don't." Bandit pushed his hand gently against their chests to calm them down. "We're not running right through just to get shot at."

Alphen  crept forward with a sigh. "  we can slip through the area with the river. They patrol the sides but most are positioned by the field."

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