Chapter 26: What a Wolf Forgets

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Detention came all too soon for Buttercup, whose day had passed in a flurry of haziness. Mr. Davidson had told her twice to "snap out of it" before giving up on her. Even Ms. Ella, who was usually so cheerful, lost her patience with Buttercup a few times.

Now she was sitting in her chair in Mr. Fickleson's room having detention, with a darkly silent Butch beside her. Mr. F seemed surprised at the greens' sudden quietness, but he showed no objections.

Bandit had come clear at lunchtime, admitting to Blossom and Buttercup that Brick was awake, but...

...He had amnesia.

Buttercup had been so shocked she'd nearly lost it. Blossom seemed to have taken it even worse, stiffening and clamping up at once. Needless to say, amnesiac Brick's first impressions of Blossom and Buttercup weren't exactly good ones. To him, Buttercup was a raging demon who attacked with harsh ferocity. He'd witnessed her arguing with Bandit. And his impressions of Blossom... It was clear he thought she was cold and stoic; since she shut up and would say nothing.

After things had calmed down, Bandit had the small, emotionally unstable group to the cafeteria. They were met with much rejoice, all of their friends hooting and hollering. The Ruffs had looked especially relieved, grins spread across their faces. Buttercup had met gazes with a happy Butch-a happy Butch that hadn't looked so happy in so long. But her gaze had been pain-filled because she knew what would come next. She knew that the next part was heartbreak. When he had given her a questioning look, she'd just shaken her head and turned away.

Bandit put his hand up and waited until the cheering stopped. He came clean: he told his friends that Brick hadn't actually been sick; he'd been unconscious from a fight. He admitted that Blossom and Buttercup already knew. Then he announced the bad news, "Brick has amnesia"-words out of a dream, or rather, a nightmare.

Silence fell upon the crowd, everybody trying to take it in. Friends like Princess and Mitch showed only confusion and disbelief, while the Ruffs...

Buttercup clamped her eyes shut, feeling the tears coming. She could remember their faces, pale and shocked, before the sadness leaked out of them. Blair was calm but the color seemed to drain from his face as tears pricked at his eyes slowly slipping from his eyes, while Bella tried to comfort him. Blaze had been stiff, eyes dark and his look steely. But tears streaked his cheeks. Boomer had looked so fragile; so broken, tears running down his face.

And Butch... Oh, Butch.

The green Ruff had nearly snapped. Shouting out in frustration, he looked like he was ready to strangle anybody. Buttercup thought she saw his glare flash toward an innocent Vincent, and she wondered why.

With the way Butch was, he could've destroyed anything with no regard to property damage and public safety. When Buttercup had tried to reason with him, he'd thrown her back. He had already broken part of the table, but before he could break anything else...

Buttercup hugged him while it was to mostly restrain him.

"Butch, stop." The green puff's tone had been shaky, broken, wavering...and yet it was still firm and strong-willed. "We can't make a scene here. Brick's safe and alive; that's what matters right now. Come on, Butch-you're stronger than this. Brick is stronger than this , you know that. If it were you with amnesia, Brick would do everything he can to help you regain your memories instead of lashing out at the ones who are only trying to help you. He'll be okay."

Butch finally stopped raging, leaning against counterpart for support. He had shakily apologized to Buttercup, tears in his eyes.

"This is the first time I've really ever seen him cry," Buttercup said to bandit

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