chapter 4: the hunted

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Buttercup stared ahead, unable to breathe. She was alone with the woods. And did she mention she was alone with him?

He stood, his green gaze flickering from one tree to the next, but never meeting her eyes. He sat, extremely still, his breathing coming out slow and even. She was surprised at how cool and collected he was.

"Butch," she began, but he cut her off.

"Get down," he hissed. When he turned and saw her confused gaze, he growled, "Just do it."

"And why should I?" she demanded in a whisper, recovering. She folded her arms in defiance. She wasn't sure why she was being so quiet, but maybe it was just the way Butch looked, his eyes dark and his breathing slow.

"Do it," he hissed, ripping impatiently at the few blades of grass poking out of the earth. Buttercup wasn't sure, but she saw something glint from his hands as they tore up the earth.

"Why should I?" she repeated, making a face.

He growled lowly, his patience obviously at its end. "Just do it," he warned. "They're coming. I can hear them."

"Who?" she asked, completely confused by now.

"...Them," he answered. "Now get down."

buttercup crossed her arms trying to listen

Growling in frustration, he glared at her with his dark forest-green eyes. "Do. As. I. Say. Right. Now."

When Buttercup didn't budge, his patience completely shattered and he lunged at her. Buttercup expected him to rip out her throat, so she held her arms out in defense. But he shoved her to the side instead of attacking, pinning her against a tree behind the bushes.


His breathing was ragged now, and he clamped a hand over her mouth. "hush just , Stay quiet for a bit," he murmured.

Buttercup froze. With Butch so close to her, his electrifying green gaze sending shivers down her spine, she just couldn't seem to move.

He then switched his gaze from her eyes to the tree behind them. "Be patient and stay still. They'll pass in awhile."

Sure enough, Buttercup could soon hear shouts and quick footfalls from afar .

"What's happening?" she whispered, removing his hand from her mouth.

He shook his head in response, a few strands of his black hair falling into her face. He placed his strong hand against her mouth again, his breathing still slow. "Shhh," he reminded her in a hushed whisper.

"He's not here!" a voice reported from nearby, loud and clear, ringing through the woods.

"Keep searching!" another voice snapped back. "He's got to be here somewhere. You saw him run in!"

The one who'd first spoken had probably nodded, because his footsteps were drawing closer to their hiding spot.

Buttercup felt something spark in her heart, and she slowly shut her eyes. She understood now. He was being hunted for something she didn't know about. And she'd been caught up in the chase.

Buttercup leaned her head against his sturdy chest, and she felt him stiffen before relaxing. Both remained still and quiet, waiting for the footsteps to get too close...

"What are you doing?"

The new voice stopped the person who'd been walking towards them in his tracks. "Maxim ordered me to search further-" he began, but didn't finish.

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