Chapter 31: Emotionally-Driven Wolves

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If there was one thing Butch was sure about at the moment, it was that no matter what was happening, school was still boring. War was looming over his head, his brother had amnesia, his friendships were at risk, and he had conflicting emotions about what Ren had said to him before. Yet that didn't change the fact that Shook still failed to catch his attention.

At the moment, he and Buttercup are in detention. Neither had spoken, thanks to what had happened when Butch grabbed her hands during the weekend and what he had said*. That seemed to be a good thing though, because they had been productive throughout detention and Mr. Fickleson seemed pleased.

Butch wrote down one more thing for their project, and then he turned to stare at the clock. It struck 5:00 and he let out a silent cheer, jumping up eagerly.

"You're dismissed," Mr. Fickleson called, not even looking up from his paper.

Butch packed quickly and dashed toward the door, but hung back and waited for Buttercup to catch up. She seemed to notice this because she took her time packing up her bag. Butch tapped his foot impatiently, but he forced himself to wait.

When she couldn't hold going to the door off any further, she sighed and walked toward him. Butch stood up straighter and blocked her way. "Buttercup," he began.

"What is it?" She looked up, not with wary eyes, but tired ones.

"I think our last conversion was a little awkward, and our last few conversations were pretty dramatic."

"Yeah, it's not like I didn't notice," she mumbled back, shifting her bag.

Butch sighed. Buttercup was making this harder than it needed to be. "Well, maybe we can just hang out today. And talk about some casual stuff. We won't talk about secrets, our project, the past, love, or debate things, or talk slash worry about Brick's amnesia. We'll just stroll around and get caught up. How's about it?"

Buttercup looked up in surprise. She stared into his green eyes and seemed to notice the sincerity because she nodded. "Sure."

"Cool." Butch zipped up his coat. "I'm going to my locker, and I'm guessing you'll go to yours. Meet me at the front of the school in a couple of minutes."

"' Kay, see ya." Buttercup waved, watching him fly off. Then she sighed and flew to her locker.

Butch gathered his things in three minutes and flew back to the front of the school. Buttercup appeared a few seconds after him. When she showed up, he asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Buttercup shrugged. " the park, maybe?"

"Sure." Butch kept himself from feeling frustrated at her unenthusiastic tone. He knew she was dealing with a lot of stress, and so was he. All Butch wanted was to be able to und for the day.

They flew into the sky and towards the park, which didn't take too long. Townsville Park, the city's largest park, wasn't too far from Pokey Oaks High. It took them only a minute or two, especially thanks to their super speed.

Butch landed and gazed around. Couples, families, and friends hung around the area. "Anything specific you want to do?" he asked.

Buttercup shook her head. "I just wanted to feel some fresh air. I guess we can take a walk."

"Alright." Butch started walking. He glanced back and suggested, "Maybe we can go see the duck pond."

"Sure." Buttercup smiled slightly. "There's a donut and drink shop near the pond. We could stop for a snack."

Butch relaxed, relieved to see that the green Puff wouldn't be emotionless for the entire walk. "Race ya there," he said, grinning. "The loser buys the winner donuts and a drink. Bet I can beat you!" He floated into the air, before blasting off.

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