Chapter 22: Teary Wolf Memories

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"...It's about Damon."

ix stiffened, narrowing his green eyes. "I don't know if I want to talk about him."

"Vix, don't be unreasonable," Shamus replied, his tone warning. "We don't have a lot of time."

"You got that right. It's late, and I want to sleep." Vix tossed back his long red hair, glaring out the window. All feelings of playfulness vanished as old feelings began to resurface.

Shamus took a step closer, his gaze searching Vix's eyes for a sign that he could push further. Unable to see signs of disgust in Vix's look, Shamus decided to continue speaking: "I know how much you cared about Damon, like a guardian—"

"Like a father," spat Vix, interrupting the older man. His head snapped upwards as he faced Shamus, angry tears in his eyes. "You know what it's like to lose someone close to you, don't you, Shamus?"

. Taken aback by the tears, Shamus' response was silence. But then he recovered and managed to say, a little weaker, "...I do."

"You lost your brother because of Damon. I know that, and yet... I can't hate him." Vix let out a shuddering breath, relieved to have gotten that off of his chest. He covered his eyes with his hands and felt wet tears drip down his cheeks. "Why can't I let go of the past? None of you trust me because I was so close to Damon."

"Vix, I came here to—"

"No! I don't want to talk about him. I don't...I don't want to relive that night." Vix looked up from behind his wet fingers, his gaze blurred by unwanted tears. "I don't want to think about the fire or the screams..."

"Vix..." Shamus took a few more steps toward the younger male until he was face-to-face with him. "Are you okay?"

. Swallowing back emotions that he wanted to let spill out, Vix shook his head silently. He hated himself for the weakness that he was showing, but he couldn't help it. His throat had closed up, and it burned so much that he couldn't speak.

It's okay, Vix. You know that Ren and his friends trust you. Maybe the other grown-ups don't, but they don't understand loss. I do, and I'm trying to understand you and your pain. I'm making an effort to trust you, Vix."

Vix breathed quietly, wiping his eyes.

"I know you're sometimes...not happy with Danes, and I can't say I blame you. He's done some...questionable things in the past," Shamus pressed.

Vix took a long, deep breath as he leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "He's never been very emotional."

Shamus managed to laugh. "Hardly," he agreed. "The most emotion he's ever shown was when my brother..." He trailed off.

"I know. When Damon killed Rens' father, your brother." Vix closed his eyes. "When he killed Tyrone."

"...I haven't heard anyone say his name in a long time," Shamus said quietly. "Most people don't want to remember the events of that night."

Vix opened his eyes and searched Shamus' face. Grief and regret clouded the man's expression. "It goes deeper than that, doesn't it?" he asked in a whisper.

Shamus looked down. "It goes as far back as three men who all fell in love with the same girl."

"Sylvie*, right? Isn't that who you three loved?" Intrigued, Vix stared into Shamus' eyes. "I haven't heard the details before. What happened?"

"My brother, Tyrone, loved her and fell for her as well. At the time, she was Damon's best friend. It was clear he liked her, but she chose Tyrone. When she died, my brother was overcome with grief. And we believe that Damon was overcome with a jealous rage."

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