Chapter 10 : every creature has a secret

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. He sighed, letting the water drip down his face as he sat on the cold, wet rock. It was raining heavily.

He winced as water fell into one of his minor, still-healing cuts. Despite having healed himself in battle, his arms ached like hell. A few scrapes were still visible along his body, and the pain they brought stung.


He was impressed with the boy's growth. Battling him had taken more out of him than he'd expected. It'd been a while since he'd faced such a challenge. I wonder if the other Rowdyruff Boys have gotten stronger, too?
And that girl was not weak, no doubt, and fast too, definitely not "just a superhuman."

"What are you doing?"

. Looking up, his green eyes met golden-red ones. The person who'd spoken was smiling.

. He sighed and looked down, annoyed. "What do you want, Coal?"

"It's not like you to be hostile. ...Or to fail." Coal walked over, holding his hands up. "What happened?"

"He's gotten stronger, and that girl that was with him, she wasn't one of his kind but." He turned to stare at the grass field around him, dripping in the rain.

Coal's tone was amused as he asked, "So you underestimated him and let a girl beat you?"

Eyes flashing, he met Coal's look with a glare. "Oh, shut up. Like you could take them both at once; they have fought together and complemented each other in a fight ."

"Sure I could." Coal cracked his knuckles before cracking the bones in his neck.

. Sighing, he stood off the rock and brushed his red hair out of his eyes. "You're so arrogant."

"I try," admitted Coal, glancing up. "So where are you going now? Danes is still irritated."

"I thought I could go talk to Ren. he is back, isn't he? It's about time he learned a thing or two about us animals," he responded over his shoulder.

Coal laughed. "That's right. That's all you and those pesky RRBs are, huh? Animals, every last one of you."

. He was in Coal's face in a flash, hand outstretched to grab the man's neck. "And you're an asshole."

Coal easily dodged, smirking as his golden eyes narrowed. "You shouldn't get provoked so easily, young one. We only took you in because we needed your powers. But thanks to your new failures and the possibility of you breaking our deal, I'm sure Danes wouldn't mind if I disposed of you if you got out of line."

"You can try, but I guarantee you'd fail." He drew his arm back, glaring at the man before him. "I've had enough of you trying to provoke me. Fuck off, Coal." Then he spun around and stalked off.

Coal laughed as he sat down on the rock, rain splashing his body. "You can always run from the past, Vix, but you'll never get away from it."

"Tch." Vix spun around, his right eye turning white as he shot a blade at the man.

Coal jumped off the rock, watching Vix disappear inside the mansion. An explosion sounded from the rock. Then Coal landed and grabbed the blade, looking it over. "Ah, yes. Vix is a special case, isn't he?"

"What happened?"

Buttercup was panting, lowering Butch down on the couch in the RRB's living room. "Some guy with abilities attacked us at the park."

"Shit," Brick muttered, looking Butch over. "It looks like his right arm's been injured."

Buttercup watched Bandit and Boomer preparing to heal Butch. Then she turned to Brick. "It was some guy named Vix. It looked like Butch recognized him. Who was he."

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