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Nash came in the middle of the night and woke me up, "Lexi are you ok you seemed like you had a bad dream. You yelled Joseph."

"I'm fine. I have bad dreams when I sleep at a new place."

"We'll you better go back to sleep it's like 3 o'clock you have to be at the school at 9."


Nash started to walk out of my room.

"Hey Nash."

He turned to look at me. Those blue eyes were so cute, "Goodnight."

He walked out without saying a word. I couldn't sleep. I looked at my stomach. You could see my ribs they didn't feed us a lot at my last foster home, they said they couldn't afford to feed us and their kids too. I could also see the scars and bruises from kids at school and from foster parents. My ribs hurt a lot. I finally fell asleep.

"Lexi wake up. We got to leave in 2 hours," Mrs. Grier yelled from the hallway.

I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face off. I put on my black ripped skinny jeans and a T-shirt. Fixed my hair with it in my face so nobody could see my bluish gray eyes. My brothers told me they were cute and I shouldn't cover them but I never listened. I went downstairs.

"Good morning. After we go to the school we are going shopping for some new clothes. Oh and Lexi?" Mrs. Grier said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Me and you are going to have a talk."

"Ooooh. Lexi you in trouble!" Hayes whispered.

"You don't know that,
" I whispered back. I took the seat across from him and ate some cereal. I ate two bowls because I haven't had a bowl of cereal in a while. Only when I went to Jack's.

"Ok you guys go, your going to be late for school," Mrs. Grier told everyone.

"Ok, bye mom," Hayes said walking out the door. "Good luck Lexi."

"Thanks," I said.

"Bye mom." Nash said running out the door. "Good luck."

I didn't get to answer him. He was already out the door.

"Ok let's go." Mrs. Grier said.

We took Skylynn somewhere and went to the school. It was huge. I was actually going to a big school. I saw the popular kids as I walked in. I always where a jacket or a hoodie. Today it was a jacket. The girls were wearing short shorts and whispering but I didn't care, I don't care what people think. Why should I?

We went into the office and I sat in a little room. The test had 5 subjects. It was actually really easy, they showed me around the school. I was in middle school so everyone was around my age. I saw clubs. I saw a skateboard club I know I was going to join it.

"You will have to be in at least 1 club," the principal said.

"Do you have anything with art?"

"Yes we do we have an art club."

We finished touring the school. They
were going to mail me the results of my test. We went to the car. As Mrs. Grier was putting the keys in she looked at me, "Do you like it?" She asked


"Now what I was going to talk to you about. We need to talk about your clothes first. Lexi it is almost 80 degrees outside and your wearing pants and a jacket."

"I don't have a lot of shorts and I'm not hot I feel fine."

"Honey they are old you can tell you've worn them a lot."

"I don't own a lot of clothes. When you're in foster care things usually get stollen, lost, or broke."

"I know that's why we are going shopping."

We went to a mall. Then went home I bought a lot of clothes and I actually had shorts. I bought a few clothes that wasn't me but I knew I could like it later on.

I showed my clothes to Mrs. Grier. Until everyone got home for school.

"Hey Lexi you said you skateboard right," Nash asked me.

"Yeah but my skateboard is really old I've had it since I was like 7."

"Here," he said as he reached me a brand new skateboard. I smiled. "Thanks Nash."

"Your welcome."

"Why don't we go outside and you can show us what you can do," Hayes said.

We went outside and showed them a few tricks. Then we went inside and watched a movie. Me, Hayes, and Nash fell asleep on the couch. This is the best foster home ever. I wish it could last.


So? U like? Do u think Lexi will be in honors? Are they actually caring for her? Keep reading it will get really good I promise.

-Rubyann ^_^

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