It can't be. The end?

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"What happened to you 2!?"

"Mom we're ok. It was just a little basketball thing." Hayes said.

"Looks like it. I'll talk to you later Hayes. Lexi go sit in the kitchen." I went in the kitchen and sat down in my chair.

"I-I'm sorry. I promise I'll try not to get in another fight." I said basically begging.

"That's not why I needed to talk to you." Mrs. Grier said.

"Then why do you need to talk to me?"

"There's a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Mrs. Grier took a big breath.

"The state." She cleared her throat. "The state wants you to go back to the home." I sat up.

"I-I thought you guys was going to adopt me."

"We're trying to honey, it's just that they don't want that." I had tears in my eyes. I thought this was the end. The end of foster care.

"When am I leaving?"

"Tomorrow." I ran out of there sobbing. The end, how could I have been so stupid? No one would adopt me. There was a knock at my door. I wiped the tears off and sniffed.

"Come in." I eventually got out. It was Nash.

"I heard about the fight. You ok?" I nodded and sat at the window seat. "Mom told you didn't she?" I nodded making me cry more. He sat beside me and put his arm around me. "It's not like we're saying goodbye forever." He said.

"You don't get it do you?" He looked at me confused. "Once I leave I'm not coming back. The home is the place where they don't feed the youngest or don't give us a bed." I looked out the window. "They think I'm a teenager and they can just take me anywhere. Just because of one mistake." He looked at me almost crying. I stood up and wiped off the tears. "Well I better start packing."

"And I should let you pack." Nash said. He started to walk out the door.

"Hey Nash." He turned around. "This has been the best foster home I have ever been in." He just nodded and left. In the morning I walked down to the living room. Nash and Hayes were sitting there on their phones. As I walked by Nash stopped me.

"Hey Lexi." He said standing up. "Here." He reached me a little box that was wrapped up. I opened it to be an iPhone box. I looked up at him and smiled. It was an iPhone 6.


"So you can text us." He said. I knew my knew foster home couldn't afford a plan.

"I can't get it on a plan." I said.

"Mom put it on the family plan." Hayes said.

"We already put our numbers in it." I smiled.

"Lexi. They'll be here in a few minutes." Mrs. Grier said. I went upstairs and grabbed my bag. When I went downstairs they were here. My eyes started feeling up with tears. Nash and Hayes watched me as I walked out the door. Sky came running down the stairs. I almost forgot. I bought a necklace for her that had half a heart and I had the other half.

"Where you going?" She asked. I got on my knees.

"I have to go." Her eyes started tearing up. I took the necklace out. "Look." She looked down at the necklace. "When you're feeling sad look at this."

"What's it say?" I put them together.

"It says sisters forever." She looked at me.

"But we never be sisters."

"But we can dream." I said, I stood up and looked at Nash. His eyes filling up with tears. Hayes sniffed.

"Are you crying?" Nash asked him.

"No." He wiped his eye. "Had something in my eye." I laughed and walked out the door. Waved one last time and got in the car. I saw sky run after me but Nash picked her up. I grabbed the necklace and put it around my wrist making it a bracelet. I didn't wear necklaces but I wore bracelets. We drove for what seemed like hours. Nash had my phone all set up. He had music on it, games. I pulled it out and pulled up messages. Nash already texted me and its only been 1 hour.

Are you at ur new home

Nope still driving

He texted back fast.

Mom saw the drawing you left she's crying

Oh um why

She says she didn't want u to leave

I'll have to text you later I'll text u when I get there ok

Ok good luck



I pulled out the headphones and put one in. I listened to 5 Seconds of Summer. The driver stopped in front of a medium size house. He got out and walked me to the door. A man that was maybe in his 20's opened the door. "You're Alexxs correct?" I nodded and he told me to come in. I walked in and looked around. I noticed a teenage boy and a teenage girl. "You'll be sharing a room if that's ok?" I nodded and he took me down a hallway. He walked me to a room that was covered in the most girlish stuff. It had a bunk bed that had pink and purple blankets. The girl walked in.

"I'm Allison, you can call me Ally." I smiled at her and sat on the bed.

"I'm Alexxs, you can call me Lexi."

"How old are you?"

"11. What about you?"

"I'm 14."

"Who's the teenage boy?"

"That's my brother, he's 16. His name is Luke. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"


"Are you against gays?"


"Good because are dad is gay." I nodded and there was a knock at the door.

"Hey sis have you seen my charger?"

"I think it's on the table." He nodded and stared at me. "You're the new foster kid right?" I nodded. "Cool." Me and Ally talked.

"Ally dinner!" The man said.

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