Honors and Nick

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"Lexi you got something in the mail today!" I heard Will yell from the kitchen. It was like 11 am and I wasn't awake. I wanted to enjoy the chance of getting to sleep in. School started in 3 days, for me. I thought I would go ahead and wake up since Will woke me up. I went into the living room, I saw Sky playing. I quietly snuck up behind her and started tickling her.

"Lexi! Stop! It tickles!" She yelled. I played with her for a few minutes and went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

Will reached me a letter from the school. "Here." I grabbed it out of his hand and read it. I threw it down with the results of my test. I nearly had tears in my eyes. Nash looked at me with a confused look.

"So are they good or bad?" Hayes picked up the letter and read it.

"Lexi! You've got the best score a 6th grader could get!"

Everybody looked at me with a big smile.

"You made it in the honors!" Mrs. Grier said. She gave me a hug.

"Hey. Could I use somebody's laptop." I said. Nash gave me his laptop from the kitchen table. I took his headphones and went to my room to Skype Caleb. He answered after like the 3rd ring.

"Hey." He said.

"Guess what!?"


"I had to go to the school to take that test I told you about, right?."


"I got in honors! And I got the best score for a 6th grader!"

He smiled at me and clapped his hands. "Good job. I'm going to try out for basketball this year."

"Cool. I have to go. I'll call you later ok."

"Ok. Bye Lexi. Love ya."

"Love you too."

I hung up the call and took Nash his laptop. He had 2 friends over so I knocked on his door quietly.

"Come in." Knowing it was me because no one knocked on our bedroom doors. Hayes always just walked in so did Sky, Will, and Mrs. Grier.

"Here is your laptop." I said. I slowly walked to his bed and layed it down beside him and walked out fast. I didn't want to meet his friends. I just wanted some friends myself. I also wanted something to do. It was so boring here. At my old foster home when I got bored I always left and went somewhere but I still didn't know where a lot of things were here. I wanted to go to the skateboard ramp but I couldn't. Hayes told me to not go there for awhile after what happened. I went to Hayes' room to see what he was doing. He was hanging out with friends so he wouldn't let me in his room. Nash was an option but he also had friends over so that didn't help.

"Nothing to do, huh?" I quickly turned around to see Will with a smile on his face.

"No. I'm so bored."

"Come on. We can go do something a preteen girl would do. Shopping?"

"Shopping? No. Let's go to the skateboard park." I said with a smile hoping he would let me go.

"Hayes told me what happened. No skateboard park."

Dang it. I walked with Will to his car and sat up front. Waiting for him to pull out. "Let's just go to the mall." He finally said after we were about a mile down the road. We went to a mall and met up with some guys. I know they are older than me but one of them looked about 12 and was really cute. Will left me alone with him while he went to the bathroom.

"Hey." He finally said. He smiled at me and waved.

"Hey." I said back, also smiling and waving.

"I'm Nick."

"I'm Lexi."

"I'm 11 by the way. How old are you?"

"I'm 10. Almost 11, in a couple of days."

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "C'mon let's go have fun!" He laughed and blushed. I started to blush at the thought he wanted to hang out with me. I'm pretty sure he was one of Will's friend's brother, but at this point I didn't really care. We walked to a water fountain and sat on the edge of it.

"Your Will's little sister, right?" He asked me.

"I will be his sister, if I get adopted."

He looked at me confused. "So you are........."

"I'm his foster sister."

He looked at me with a sad look. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Well I'm Sam's little brother. Will's friend."

"Cool. So what do you like to do for fun?"

"I like basketball. What about you?"


"Why don't you come over some time. Maybe you could come over to my house today. It is a weekend."

I smiled and grabbed his hand to walk back to Will and his friends. "I'll ask."

We finally found Will. I guess Nick was a little shy because he tried to hide his face. I didn't really have much to say because I was sitting here with a black hoodie on and a toboggan in 80 degree weather.

"Hey Sam do you think Lexi could come over today?" Nick said smiling. We were still holding hands so it was kinda awkward.

He looked at Will. "I guess. Call mom. And shouldn't you ask Will?" He reached him a green iPhone 5c.

"Will?" I looked at Will basically begging with my eyes.

He looked at me for a second. "Call mom." He finally said reaching me his phone. I grabbed the phone and called Mrs. Grier. I walked away from everybody so I could hear her better.

"Hello?" Mrs. Grier said from the other line.

"Mrs. Grier, could I go to a friend's house. It's one of Will's friend's little brothers. His name is Nick and it's Sam's little brother."

"Ok, let me talk to Will."

I walked back over to everybody and reached Will the phone.

Nick ran over to me. "My mom said yes. She also said you could spend the night. So do you want to? You don't have to. You could just come over for a little bit." He sounded really happy.

I laughed and smiled. "I would love to. Let me ask Will." I walked to Will, who was still on the phone. "Ask her if I could spend the night." I said. He looked at me and asked. She said yes.

I walked back to Nick. "I can spend the night. But I'll have to go to the house and get clothes."

"Ok. We could drive you there." He said looking at Sam. Sam looked at Nick then to me.

"Ok. Well we better go then. I could drop the 2 of you off. Then you could walk home since it's only like 2 blocks." Sam said. I smiled and followed them to his car. Me and Nick ran to my room. I grabbed my backpack and packed my stuff. I went to the kitchen to tell Mrs. Grier bye.

"I'm leaving Mrs. Grier. Bye." I said to her.

"Bye Lexi. Have fun. Love you."

The 2 words 'Love you' sounded so weird coming from her. She sounded like she was my....................mom.


U like? Sorry it sucked. I've been busy. I don't know what to write about. I also don't know when to stop writing on this fanfic. COMMENT ur opinion. And remember tell me if u want something done and I can work out arrangements.


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