Hayes' and Nash's Dad

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Me and Will got in his car and left. I was kinda mad at Will. I couldn't imagine him being my dad. I can't even imagine having a dad. "Will?" He glanced at me then back to the road.


"What's it like to have a family?" I looked at him and noticed I could see the house.

"Well. You'll see." He pulled in the driveway and we got out. Mrs. Grier ran up and hugged me. She was crying.

"There you are. I was getting ready to call the police. Don't scare me like that."

"I went with Will." I said. I looked up at him. Mrs. Grier finally let go of me. I went to my room for a few minutes. I could hear yelling. They were fighting again. All of a sudden my door flew open, making me jump. It was Nash.

"Hey Lexi me and Hayes are going to are dad's house. You could either go with is or go to Sky to her dad's."

"I guess I'll go with you."

"Ok Sky just left so come on."

We walked downstairs and there was a man at the door. I guess Will left because I didn't see him and his car was gone. "Bye guys I'll see you later. Love you." Mrs. Grier said to us.

"Love you too mom." Hayes said.

"Bye love you too." Nash said. I just waved as I walked out the door. We walked into a car and left.

"Where do you guys want to go today?" Nash's and Hayes' dad asked them. I awkwardly sat there. I could be in a car with a complete stranger and Sky so I thought this was better.

"Anywhere I guess." Hayes said. Hayes looked at me, I guess he could tell I was feeling awkward. "Don't be shy for once." Hayes whispered into my ear.

"Why don't we go get something to eat!?" Mr. Grier said. "Pizza?" He said as he pulled into an Italian restaurant. He looked into the backseat where me and Hayes was sitting. We got out of the car and sat at a table. I awkwardly sat there as they talked about sports and school. "So your the new foster kid?" Mr. Grier said pointing a fork at me. I nodded and took a drink of my sweet tea. "Well I'm Will's, Nash's, and Hayes' dad." He put his hand out for me to shake. I shook it and quickly covered my hand back up. You could kinda see my wrist, I haven't cut my self or anything it's just that there was still scars and a bruise there.

"Hey Lexi come here." Nash says standing up and walk over to me. I stand up and we go to where the bathrooms are. We stand next to the wall beside the guys bathroom. "Have you-?"

"No I haven't. I still have scars though." I said. We walked back to the table. I let Nash and Hayes talk to their dad. It must be nice to actually have a dad. Or any kind of parent for that matter. I lost my mom when I was 5 so I still have a little bit of memories, but not all of them were good. She always had a guy over and most of them were on drugs. Most of the time we would be running away from somebody's house because my mom ripped them off on drugs. She would let the guys do anything to us. She was always to drunk or high to even notice we were there.

"Is everybody done?" Mr. Grier asked after about 30 minutes of football. I shook my head yes. As we walked to the car Nash walked over beside me.

"Don't be shy. Talk for once." He whispered as I got in the car. Mr. Grier's phone started ringing when we got in the car.

"It's your mom. She said you guys have to come home.

Hayes whined. "No just for a little bit longer. Please."

"You guys have school tomorrow." Mr. Grier said. Dang I forgot about school. I started tomorrow. Mr. Grier took us home. I said thanks as I got out of the car and ran inside. I took a long shower then went to my room. School was tomorrow. I'm not ready for this. Nash budged in my room like he always did. He used to knock but now he just kinda comes in.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" He asked as he sat beside me.

"No." I said. "I hate being in foster care. I move like everyday."

"I thought this was only like you 6th foster home."

"Yeah with a family. I usually get put in group homes."

"I bet it does suck."

"Yeah and in some of my old group homes I had to sleep in the floor and they barely fed me."

"It's almost over." He said kissing my forehead.

"Yeah I wish." I said all smart like.

He smiled and started to walk out the door. "Get some sleep. Good luck tomorrow goodnight."

"Night." I said getting comfy. Let's see if I can get friends here.


U like? And about Lexi not knowing what it's like to have a dad that kinda was about me. I lost my dad when I was 5. But anyway tell ur friends about my story. COMMENT or MESSAGE me ur opinion. And remember if u want some thing done tell me and I can work out arrangements. Luv ya guys.
and FOLLOW me on here and on Instagram @slender_mlp_33


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