Will and Ashley

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School started in 2 days and I was not ready. I loved being able to stay home and wait for Nash and Hayes to get back from school, so I could rub it in their faces that I got to stay home. They hated it when I did that but that's what made it fun. I'm just hoping Nick wouldn't be popular.

"Lexi." Mrs. Grier said as we pulled up into the driveway. "When you go inside, go into the kitchen and sit at the table with everybody. I need to tell you something."

"Ok." I went inside and sat at the table. Nash and Hayes were on their phones and Will was on his laptop. I saw my journal wich I quickly grabbed because I left it there last night. I drew a picture of me and the Grier's while I waited. When Mrs. Grier came in everybody put up their electronics. Sky climbed into her chair beside Mrs. Grier.

"Ok as you all know we were talking about adopting Lexi, right?" Mrs. Grier said.

"Yeah."We all said.

"There's a problem."

I looked at everybody then back to Mrs. Grier. "And that is.........."

"Your birth father will not sign the papers." I looked at her, then to everybody, then to my hands.

"Ok-"  I tried to say but Mrs. Grier cut me off.

"Until you guys take a test to see if you and your brothers are his." I sat up a little an looked up from my hands.

"My brothers?"

"Yes. Your oldest brother is already adopted but he still wants to do a test. And your other brother is also trying to be adopted by his foster family. Your oldest brother is almost out of the age rank."

I stood up and went to my room. How could Kyle get adopted and not me. I didn't really care if they were in a good home or not because they didn't care for me. Kyle never came back like he promised and Caleb didn't even check on me. I worried myself sick about them. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. It was Mrs. Grier. She came and sat beside me. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Everything is ok." She gave me a hug and left. A few minutes past then I went downstairs to see if Will was still mad. He was in the living room talking to Mrs. Grier. I hid behind the doorway so I could listen to them.

"Will she ever be able to get adopted mom?" He asked Mrs. Grier.

"By the looks of everything, no. Her brother and dad want custudy."

"But we don't even know if that's her real dad or not!" Will yelled. He was mad. Did he really want me to get adopted that bad?

"Will calm down! It's not like she's going back to foster care!"

"No! That little girl is not leaving! I'll adopt her if I have to!"

"Will she looks up to you as a big brother, not a dad!"

"Well it's better then her getting beat to death! I never had a dad! She should have one! She didn't have a home like we did growing up! Don't you see! She needs us!"

"You had a dad growing up!"

"I never got to see him because you got divorced! Then married Sky's dad! Lexi doesn't have anything like that!

"I know she doesn't, I'm trying the best I can, don't you see!"

"Well it's not hard enough!" He angrily went through the doorway I was standing at. His shoulder hit my shoulder, causing me to fall down. "Lexi? I thought you were in your room!?" He had tears in his eyes. Mrs. Grier was crying on the couch.

"I-I-I was but I came down here to talk to you." He grabbed my wrist and took me to his car.

"Me and you are going to hang out today." He said. He kissed my forehead and I followed him to his car.

"Shouldn't we ask Mrs. Grier first?" I said. I didn't want to get in trouble for running away and have to go back to the place.

"I'm 20 years old. I think I can leave without asking." He said with a chuckle. I leaned back into my seat. It was quiet for a few minutes. "You heard us in the living room, didn't you?" I nodded shyly hopping he wouldn't get mad. "Lexi, I didn't mean to scare you it's just I don't want you to go back to foster care. Hayes told me about how you were scared to eat the other day. You shouldn't be scared to eat." I qiuetly sat there and listened. "Do you want to go back to foster care?"

"No please don't make me go back." I said grabbing my seat belt tight.

"I would never let them take you away."

"What did Mrs. Grier mean by my brother wanted custudy?" He glanced at me then back to the road.

"I'm going to let mom tell you." He said as he pulled up into a Starbucks place.

"Why are we at a Starbucks?" I looked over at him and asked.

"My girlfriend works here. I need to ask her something. She's on break." He said texting someone.

"Why don't you just call her?"

"Because it has to do with you." He took off his seat belt and opened the door. "Aren't you coming?" I slowly took off my seatbelt and got out. I took a few steps then stopped. Will walked to a blonde girl and kissed her. "Lexi, come here." I ran and stood behind him and grabbed his hand. See I'm a really shy person. And one thing I like about being small and the little sister is that I can hide behind my brothers. "Lexi, this is Ashley." I smiled and hid behind Will. She bent down so we could get face to face.

"Will talks about you all the time." She said with a smile. I smiled back and grabbed Will's hand tighter. "Let's go get something to eat." She said standing up. "I'm on lunch right now. What do you guys want?" Will looked down at me.


"I don't know, anything I guess." I said shyly.

"I know a place we could go to. We can walk to it." We started to walk down the road. It was kind of a fancy restaurant. I sat beside Will and Ashley sat in front of us.

"So I've been thinking." Will said taking a drink of his pop. "Well we're trying to adopt Lexi as you know, Ashley."

"Yeah." She said.

"Everything's not going so well. Maybe me and you could adopt her." I almost choked to death. Will wants to adopt me. He's supposed to be my brother not my dad! "What do you think Lexi?" I looked at Ashley then back to Will.

"I thought I was getting adopted by your mom. You are supposed to be my big brother, not my dad."


U like? Sorry that I suck at writing. Remember if you want something done tell me and I could work out arrangements. Follow me on Instagram @slender_mlp_33 Luv ya guys!


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