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I woke up again in the middle of the night. Not because of a dream, but because Nash was trying to get off the couch. I didn't open my eyes I just grabbed his shirt tighter trying not to let him up.

"Lexi. I need to go lay in my bed."

"Please don't," I told him very quietly, basically whispering.

"Lexi, honey is something bothering you?" Mrs. Grier asked me. I didn't even know she was in the room.

I didn't say anything I just grabbed Nash's shirt. I don't know why or how but Nash made me feel needed, wanted, and loved.

"Lexi, do you want to talk about it?" She asked me. I opened my eyes and raised up it hurt to but I did.

"Lexi?" She asked. "Why don't you want Nash to leave?"

I looked at Nash. He got up but he didn't go upstairs he went into the kitchen. I looked at Mrs. Grier, "I guess....."

"What honey. What is it?"

"I-I-I miss Kyle."

She sat on the couch beside me. "Who's Kyle?"

"My brother. Nash reminds me of him."

She gave me a hug and went into the kitchen. After she left I went to the bathroom and went back to the living room. No one was in there so I went into the kitchen where I saw Nash, Hayes, and Mrs. Grier at the table I looked outside and saw it was daylight I looked at the clock it was like 9:30. I looked at them and took the seat I took at supper. Everyone looked at me I just looked down I was really cold so my feet was on the chair and I was kind of cuddling my legs. It hurt so bad but I didn't want anybody to know I was crying. Especially Nash.

I finally looked up at Nash and Hayes "Why aren't you guys at school?"

"We wanted to stay home to make sure you was ok." Hayes said with a little smile. I smiled back.

Mrs. Grier put a bowl of cereal in front of me. I didn't say anything. At the old foster home they did this on, like the 3rd day they started to smack us. They were all nice then..... Boom there you was with bruises. I just looked at her. Waiting for it.

"Lexi. What's wrong? You look like your scared to eat."

She started to put her hand on my shoulder, but as she put her hand closer to me I flinched because I thought she would've hit me.

"Lexi, I'm not going to hurt you."

She tried to put her hand on my shoulder again but I stood up, painfully. "Please don't. I'm already in pain." Nash stood up but I backed up to the wall. And sat down on the floor quietly. Cuddling up to my legs so I could hide my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder I flinched.

"Please..... Don't....... I didn't do anything."

"I'm not going to hurt you." She told me. I started to cry. She was lying they said that before too.

"Calm down. Look at me." She said. I didn't look at her. "Lexi. I'm not going to hurt you."

I looked up at her. I saw Nash on my right and saw Hayes and Mrs. Grier in front of me. I looked back down.

"Lexi. You have to look at me. You are going to have to trust me." She told me.

I looked at her with fear. Taking the chance. "I don't want to be hit. I didn't do anything. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." She gave me a hug. "Come to the table and eat something. You look like you haven't eye in days."

I walked to the table. I was hungry but I didn't want to eat anything.

"Eat something please." Mrs. Grier begged me.

"I'm not hungry." I said pushing the bowl away but when I did my stomach growled.

"Lexi you have to eat something. One bite please." She looked at me.

I took a bite out of the cereal then another until I ate half of it.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"Why aren't you guys eating?" I looked at everybody.

"We've already ate." Hayes told me.

I got up but when I did my ribs hurt so bad I had to sit back down. Making Mrs. Grier to stand up "Lexi are you ok?"

"Yeah I think so. My ribs hurt really bad."

She stood up and walked towards me so did Nash. "Ow!" I grabbed my ribs in pain it hurt so bad. Nash eventually picked me up and carried me to the couch. I layed there in pain wanting Caleb so bad. I just wanted my big brother. "Caleb." I whispered.

"I just called the doctor. She said that it meant they were healing and in about 2 days they won't hurt as bad." Mrs. Grier said.

"This is a painful way for them to heal." I said as tears came out of my eyes. Not tears of sadness but tears of pain.

"Why don't we watch a movie. That will keep your mind off of it." Hayes insisted.

"I'm good." I said biting my lip. He left after I told him no.

I stayed there on the couch crying in pain. I couldn't stand it anymore. There was a weird pain that went through my body. I screamed because it hurt so bad and scared me.

"Lexi. Are you ok?" Mrs. Grier asked me. "That sounded like more than your ribs."

"I don't know I just had a weird feeling go all the way though my body. It like closed my lungs. I couldn't breath."

"I'm calling the doctor. NASH COME HERE!!"

Nash came down stairs running. Without a shirt. He took a look at me and sat down on the couch with me.

I cuddled up to this bare chest and took the warmth it provided. "Ow!" I yelled.

"It's ok. Try not to think about it."

I closed my eyes to try to fall asleep but I couldn't. The pain came through again. Worse. The scream was louder. My breath was shorter. Everything went black.

This chapter was a little longer. I wanted to make it a little jumpy. I don't think I did a very good job but here. COMMENT ur opinion. And tell me if u want something to be done and I could work out arrangements. Love ya guys.

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